Chapter 2

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Yeosang's POV

"So, this is where you will be staying until we can properly evaluate you and figure out which sector you fit in to," Youngjay said as we showed me a small room. It had a bed, a TV, small kitchen, and a bathroom attatched.

"I thought you said you already know where to put me," I asked quietly, shifting away from him slightly as he was a little too close for comfort. I really don't need to be hurting anyone else right now, especially if the it's the people who are apparently trying to help me right now.

"I have a baseline idea, but I don't know a whole lot about you. They need to evaluate your personality and see if it is compatible with the sector I mentioned. From what I've seen so far though, I have no doubt that you'll be a good fit," he said as we walked inside the room. I immediately went over to the bed and sat down, placing my hands in my lap.

"I will tell you more about them after you get assigned alright," he said.

"Ok," I said in a small voice.

"For now, I want you to get settled in. Joonwon will come back here in an hour and bring you to the room to be evaluated," he explained. I'm still a little nervous around Joonwon, given he tackled me to the ground and didn't listen to me, but he looked after me earlier and I'm thankful for that.

"Will you be evaluating me," I asked nervously. Youngjay is the only person that I fully trust right now as so far, he's just been looking out for me.

"No, I won't be. I don't have the qualifications but the person who will be evaluating you is very good. He's very nice and he's just going to have a chat with you," he said. I bit my lip nervously, fiddling with my gloves.

"Ok," I said quietly.

"Thank you Yeosang. You will be just fine, I promise," he said. Yeah, I don't really trust promises anymore but we'll see. I just nodded and watched as he left the room, closing the door behind him. I frowned slightly when I heard a click and I got up, moving over to the door, and trying the handle. Sure enough, it was locked. It worried me slightly, making me nervous as to why they would lock it but then I thought about the fact that I, you know, killed people and I figured it was probably the right idea. Now that I was finally alone, the severity of the situation finally came crashing down. I actually killed two people. Whether I meant to or not, two people are dead because of me and I can't take that back. My knees weakened and I fell to the floor. I moved so I was hidden between the bed and the wall, moving into the familiar position of my knees tucked to my chest as I began to cry. It's just so surreal to think that I will now forever be a killer, someone who has taken the lives of others. And now, I'm in a foreign place, with people I don't know. Could this get any worse? I mean, I could be in jail but right now, this still doesn't seem like a great thing either. How am I supposed to cope with meeting so many new people and living with them? The last seven years, it's just been me and my parents and I barely talked to them. I don't know how I will be able to make people like me because I don't exactly have the best people skills. This is all new and scary and I don't have anyone with me to tell me it's going to be ok, someone to lean on to make myself feel safer and more at ease.

I just stayed curled up in the corner, crying sadly as I was gripped with the overwhelming fear of what was to come. After what must've been an hour, there was a click and the door opened, making me move closer to the wall to try not to be seen.

"Kid? You in here," Joonwon asked. I sniffled slightly and wiped my eyes, trying to quickly get rid of the evidence but it was a bit too late for that. There were hurried footsteps and then Joonwon's head poked around the corner. His eyes ran over me and then he sighed, moving to sit on the bed so he could look down at me. I watched him warily, but he didn't go to move closer.

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