Chapter 3

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Yeosang's POV

I awoken to a knock on the door and I yawned. Mum and dad never really wake me up by knocking on my door, they yell at me and shake me awake usually. Maybe they've finally changed their mind about me, maybe they're going to be nice. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, freezing when I realised I wasn't in my room. I whimpered and glance around, not understanding what was going on. There was a sudden bang on the door and I screamed, tears pooling in my eyes as I didn't know what was going on. It took me a few more seconds to remember what was going on but by that time, the door was swung open and Joonwon rushed in. I jumped and huddled into the corner, still not sure that they wouldn't do something to me. To my surprise though, he quickly knelt down by the end of my bed, not coming closer or trying to touch me.

"Hey kid, you ok. What's wrong," he asked quickly. I sniffled and wiped my eyes quickly to get rid of the few tears that fell.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a hassle. I just forgot what happened and it scared me a little," I said quietly, looking down at the bedsheets.

"Ah that's fine, it's no bother. I just heard you whimper and it worried me so I came in," he said. I bit my lip nervously and nodded.

"So, are you ready for today," he asked me. I glanced up at him, wondering if I should be honest. There's a lot that I can say but I've never really had someone to talk to.

"Um, do you want me to be honest," I asked slowly.

"Of course, I'm here to listen and try and make this transition as smooth as possible," he told me.

"I uh, I don't think I've really fully processed what's happened to be honest," I said honestly, making him nod in reply.

"That's understandable. You've been through a lot kid," he said.

"Do you know these people, the ones I'm going to meet," I asked him.

"Yeah, they're lovely. The leader, Hongjoong, is a great man and the other's are just as lovely," he said. That's a little reassuring I guess, but it still doesn't change the fact that I don't really want to meet anyone.

"Do I have to meet them today," I asked, fiddling with my blanket.

"They're all waiting and excited to meet you kid, you'll do great," he encouraged.

"What if they don't like me? I don't know how to make people like me, I don't really know how to make friends," I admitted. God, I feel so stupid right now.

"You'll be fine kid, the boys are great. Even if you don't talk or are awkward to begin with, they'll still be your friend," he told me.

"I'll give you 10 minutes to collect yourself and then I'll come back to you alright," he said. I nodded and watched as he left the room, closing the door behind himself.

The next 10 minutes was spent with me panicking about how many people I was going to meet. I've already met like 8 people in the past 24 hours, 8 more than I've met in the past 7 years. I really don't want to meet so many more people. Once the 10 minutes were up, Joonwon walked back in and paused when he realised I hasn't moved.

"Would you like me to ask if you can start off perhaps just meeting the two eldest, rather than everyone at once," he asked softly.

"Yes please," I replied immediately. Meeting two people is much better than meeting like 8. He chuckled before walking off and closing the door once again. I sighed and leaned back against the wall, running my gloved hand through my hair. I paused and looked at my hand, sighing and pulling my gloves off. I've got some time and no one will be coming in here until Joonwon comes back, so I can take off the gloves. My hands were a little sweaty, so I wiped them off on the sheets. It may have been because it was hot, or it may have been because I was that nervous. I just sat there for a while, not really noticing how much time had past until there was knock on my door. Joonwon was finally back.

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