Chapter 7

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Yeosang's POV

It's been a week. One week since I met the last person of the bunch, 10 days since I joined the others at the institution. Not much has really changed within the time I've been staying here. I mean, I've gotten to know the boys, some more than others, but everything else has stayed the same. I still won't let many of them near me, unless it's Mingi, San and sometimes Jongho. But, I don't let the last 2 touch me. I've been spending a lot of my time with Mingi, given he's the only one I can touch without hurting. We've slept next to each other 3 out of the 6 nights and those are the nights that I have slept the best. I had another nightmare, but Mingi and San stayed with me for the rest of the night. Mingi cuddled up to me and San snuggled in behind him, much like we were last time. San has been a great help, someone I can lean on emotionally. Whenever things get too much, San will come to see me in my room and he will just sit on a beanbag next to my bed, lean against it quietly and just be there for me. It's nice to have someone who knows what to do when you're upset. I still for some reason haven't been able to figure out San's ability. No one has talked about it and I don't want to bring it up because he's never used his ability in front of me. I desperately want to figure it out, but I guess I have to wait and be patient for a bit longer. Hongjoong is what I would expect a father to be like, what my father was like pre-powers. He always tells the boys off if he thinks they might be too rowdy and he checks in on me briefly when I go to my room to make sure I'm doing ok. Seonghwa is also like a protective parent, constantly cleaning up after me, making sure I'm eating breakfast, lunch and dinner and that I don't have any issues. It's really nice having the two of them around, they've made my stay a lot easier so far. Yunho has been nice as well. He's the person I can go to if I want to spend some time away from the crazy ones (Mingi, San and Wooyoung), Yunho is someone I can go to for quiet time. He really is quite soft and when he isn't around Mingi, pretty quiet. Jongho has been great. Our personalities work really well together, although he's more confident then me and talks a bit more. He's been teaching me how to play different video games and we'll play together for hours a day sometimes. The person that has surprised me the most though, is Wooyoung. When I first saw Wooyoung, he was yelling and bouncing around, very energetic. Hongjoong and Seonghwa told me that he was very loud and boisterous, often not really caring about what other's think. I thought I would hate being around him, given how loud and talkative he is, but I've found that it's actually refreshing to be around him sometimes. He talks, a lot. But after watching him closely for a bit, I've noticed that he always checks in on the people around him, whether verbally or just through glancing at them. If he can see that they're getting uncomfortable, or bored, he'll change the topic or quieten down a bit. It's good when I talk to him though, because he does most of the talking and I can just sit and listen with no expectations. Overall, it's been nice. A complete change from what I'm used to, but nice.


"Mingi, let him go, he needs to go have a meeting with Youngjay and Jihoon," Hongjoong groaned. I smiled secretly and cuddled closer into Mingi's arms. We were currently laying on the couch, Mingi underneath me while I laid on top of him, happily soaking in the affection.

"But he's so comfortable Hyung, just look at him," Mingi said and I could practically hear the pout in his voice. He cupped my cheek gently, stroking with his thumb and I relaxed even more against his chest.

"Mingi, stop making him sleepy and get him up," Hongjoong said.

"Why don't you come over here and get him up yourself," Mingi said cheekily. I giggled and glanced up at Hongjoong who was frowning at the two of us. I wasn't worried about him coming over and trying to get me up, he's been very good at keeping me within my comfort zone.

"One last chance," he said. I grinned and sent him a teasing wave. He raised an eyebrow and lifted his hand up slowly, tilting his head to the side before yanking his hand back. I yelped as I was suddenly propelled backwards and away from Mingi.

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