Chapter 18

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Hongjoong's POV

I knocked on the door to Youngjay's office, hearing a loud come in. I opened the door and walked inside, frowning slightly when I realised it wasn't what I thought it was. I thought he called a meeting for some of the leaders of the Sectors but it's clear he didn't as there were no other leaders in the room. Youngjay was there, so was Joonwon, Jihoon and another guard I've seen around, but there were two other people I've never seen before.

"Hongjoong, thank you for coming. Take a seat," Youngjay said, pointing towards an empty chair. I shifted nervously but did as asked, walking over and sitting down.

"Um, what's this about Hyung," I asked him.

"We will get to that in a second, but first I would like you to meet Taehyuk and Minjun. They are apart of our outreach program. They help work with keeping the people here in contact with friends and family whenever they can. Keeping tabs on certain people," he explained. Ok, but why would they be here?

"Oh, um hi. Nice to meet you," I said, standing to quickly bow politely to them.

"It's nice to finally meet you," they said in reply, bowing back. Nice to finally meet me? Ok, something weird is going on right now.

"So, you called this meeting very suddenly. What's going on," I asked.

"We need to inform you of something that happened a few days ago. We only recently got word of it," he said. That doesn't exactly sound very good. Why am I thinking I'm not going to enjoy this?

"Ok. What happened," I asked.

"It's about your parents," he told me. Mum and Dad?

"My parents? What about them? What happened," I asked quickly. I begun to feel dread pool at the bottom of my stomach, my hands beginning to shake slightly. He looked over at Minjun who scooted forwards and leaned a little closer to me.

"Two days ago, there was an accident," he said. No.

"Someone lost control of their car and they crashed head on into your parents vehicle," he said. I clenched my hands tightly into fists, trying to control my emotions.

"Are they going to be ok," I asked tightly, trying to keep my voice from wavering.

"I won't lie to you, the outcome isn't looking good. The doctors are saying they may not make it through the night," Minjun said. They, what? They're going to die? They'll be gone and I won't even be able to see them again.

"Hongjoong, Hongjoong, you need to calm down. I looked up, not even realising I had looked down in the first place. Once I was looking up, I realised my hands had opened and the things on the wall were rattling, so I quickly clenched them back closed.

"Sorry," I said quietly.

"It's ok Hongjoong. You're allowed to grieve," Joonwon said.

"So, they're going to die," I asked.

"Unfortunately, they most likely will pass away," Taehyuk said. I nodded in reply, not trusting my voice just yet.

"We can't get you out there for at least another four days Hongjoong, bu-."

"It's fine, I won't be going out," I said, shaking my head. There's no point. The only reason I ever left this institution was to catch up with my parents, and now they're going to be gone. If I can't even make it before they die, there's no point going anyway. None of their family or friends like me anyway, I don't need to go through that.

"Are you sure," Jihoon asked me.

"Yeah. Can I go now," I asked, tapping my foot impatiently.

"I don't thi-."

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