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He hated Wei Wuxian. 

He hated him so much because he caused the one person that he loved to suffer, and he didn't even know that.

Wei Wuxian had to pay the price with everything that he had–his career, his fortunes, and his life.

And now was the perfect time to take two of them.

His career… and his life.

And maybe… maybe after he was gone, everything would be okay again.

He entered the changing room after he made sure that no one was around to see him, and he started to rummage through Wei Wuxian's bag. He wanted to find something that he could use to destroy his career, such as maybe a pornographic video of him and Lan Wangji when they were doing the deed. That would definitely make Wei Wuxian a pariah, since he knew that an idol was supposed to be single. They would roast the male idol with a girlfriend alive, let alone a boyfriend. Same sex relationship was still a big taboo in their country, didn't matter how rich and influential your family was. He knew, because he also suffered from the same treatment from his own family.

At first, he just wanted to make Wei Wuxian a little bit scared, so that he would run back to the comfort of his family. Instead, his plan backfired. Wei Wuxian did not crawl back to his family and begged for forgiveness, no. He went into hiding with his rich boyfriend, and then surfaced after a few days, straight to the lawyer to cut his family off entirely.

He was pissed and paid some thugs to break his legs and hands so that he knew not to play around with his own family.  But then Lan Wangji interfered and here they were, with him sneaking out like a street rat, trying to find some proof of Wei Wuxian's indecent action.

Then suddenly the door to the changing room was open and he jumped from the surprise. No one was supposed to enter at this time, since Wei Wuxian and all of his crew including Lan Wangji were still outside. That's why he chose this exact time to enter.

The person who opened the door was equally surprised to see him there.


Both of them exclaimed in panic then the newcomer shut the door quietly and approached the first person with a menacing look in his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

But there's no time to answer since the doorknob turned once again and another person entered the room with obvious surprise too.

"You… what are you guys doing here?"

The second person–Jiang Cheng–looked at his heavily pregnant sister–the last person who entered the room–like she had grown a pair of horns, while she looked at the two persons inside Wei Wuxian's changing room with disgust. 

Jiang Cheng knew what was on his sister's mind, after all, she always voiced her opinion about her displeasure that her brother was shacking up with another man and doing sins under God's watchful eyes.

Right. As if she was a holy maiden herself. 

God knew how many men she fucked before she bagged the useless Jin's son–thinking that he would be able to cater to her every whim.

"What are you doing here?" Jiang Cheng glared at Jiang Yanli, who acted nonchalant and sat with difficulty on the couch. The same couch Jiang Cheng saw Lan Wangji fucked Wei Wuxian not fifteen minutes ago.

"I'm here to try to talk some sense into my little brother." She looked at Jiang Cheng. "The other brother. To convince him that his only sister and his only nephew are a treasure, and he should be grateful. I bet you're here to do the same, I can understand that. But why is he here?"  She pointed her chin at the other person in the room with them.

"The better question here is, why are you all here when no one invited you?" 

They all looked at the newcomer's voice, and found out that it was Luo Binghe–Wei Wuxian's Head of Security–and he had Xie Lian beside him, taking photos.

Jiang Yanli was the first one to recover. Despite that she looked like a frail doll, she was cunning and smart. Smarter than her brother, obviously. So she put a smile on her face and faced both men with a seductive smile that never failed to make men stutter.

"Gentlemen, I am Wei Wuxian's sister, of course I would be here to congratulate him on his performance. And his getting back together with Lan Wangji." She patted her big stomach and smiled. "And of course, the baby here wants to meet her uncle too."

"Right, and I'm his brother. I–we're here to congratulate him." Jiang Cheng pulled Nie Huaisang close and forced himself to smile.

Luo Binghe had never met a person–people–as shameless as these Jiang's siblings. Oh, he knew exactly what they did to Wei Wuxian, and he felt repulsed by it. He wondered if anyone could be more shameless than these two. But what did Nie Huaisang do here? He had installed a mini spy cam right in front of the door, and he saw with his own eyes that Nie Huaisang was the one who entered first. Then Jiang Cheng, and then Jiang Yanli. He knew that both siblings would try to change Wei Wuxian's mind, just as Lan Wangji had predicted. 

And now he was curious.

Xie Lian was also the same. He didn't like those Jiang's siblings, and he heard negative stuff about Nie Huaisang too. Right now, he would bet his yearly salary that the stalker, and the attack on Wei Wuxian were somehow connected to those three people. And after he deduced it, Nie Huaisang was the most likely suspect since the other two didn't have the funds to pay for the thugs. He whispered his thoughts to Luo Binghe, who nodded in agreement.

"We should call the police on this. Let them investigate these three. And we should inform Mr. Lan too."

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