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A few days went by without a hitch, and Lan Wangji started to feel anxious. He didn't like it when they had no idea when and where the culprit would attack them again, but Wei Wuxian was acting indifferent. He focused mostly on finishing the rest of the songs, and sometimes he didn't even sleep unless Lan Wangji forced him to. 

They were moving out to the new apartment–penthouse, really–that Lan Xichen had given him, and Lan Wangji also moved in. 

Shen Qingqiu gave Lan Wangji a stink eye, but he said nothing, instead he informed Xie Lian of the new progress, in case the press sniffed it out first.

They were eating together, the six of them including Hua Cheng, who made heart eyes toward Xie Lian, who blushed prettily. Shen Qingqiu ignored Lan Wangji and played footsie with Luo Binghe while they shared a plate of duck noodles and roasted pork. It was all so domestic, until Lan Wangji snapped.

"Okay, I can't do this anymore." Lan Wangji slammed the table with his fist, making the pork balls jump and fall down on the floor. "Why are you guys so chill about Wei Ying's stalker? And the attackers? Don't you care about him anymore ever since you guys… hook up with each other?" He glared at Hua Cheng who ignored him.

"Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian pulled his sleeve and hooked his arm around his. "Calm down." He patted Lan Wangji's hand like he would to calm a child throwing a tantrum.

"Yeah, Wangji, calm down. I know you're anxious about the stalker and the attacker, but instead of hooking up and doing nothing as you've just accused us to do, we're actually making a plan." Shen Qingqiu spoke with a cold tone in his voice. "Lan's Charity Gala will be held next week, and we will spread it out that Wei Wuxian is going to attend and perform. That should attract the stalker's attention and when he takes action, we will take him down."

Lan Wangji paused for a second before he spoke again. This time with a voice full of anger.

"You were saying that Wei Ying will be a bait?" Judging by the way he looked, he was ready to punch Shen Qingqiu right there and then, and Wei Wuxian and Hua Cheng knew it. Both of them held each of his hands and pulled him back down to the chair.

"It's my decision, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying spoke to him calmly. "I don't want to be a sitting duck anymore, so I told Qingqiu to arrange that. There will be enough security and plainclothes to prevent anything unsavory from happening."

"But…" Lan Wangji still tried to argue, but Wei Wuxian squeezed his hand.

"No more micromanaging me. Remember? Give me some space. I know what to do, and besides, the sooner they catch the culprit, the sooner everything will go back to normal. Like it was supposed to be."

And with that, Lan Wangji could not say any more thing, since Wei Wuxian used his promise to give him some space to shut him down. 

Shen Qingqiu looked at Lan Wangji with triumph in his eyes, which generated a low snarl from the latter and a chuckle from Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng.

"Boys, chill. Everything will be alright, especially with my gege here handling everything." Hua Cheng took Xie Lian's hand and kissed his knuckles fondly, and it caused Xie Lian to blush and tried to extract his hand back but Hua Cheng held onto it. "So, I have some news myself. This beautiful man has agreed to let me court him."

When he heard it, Xie Lian blushed prettily and slapped Hua Cheng's arm.

"You ass! You said that we will keep things between us until after Xianxian's stalker gets caught!"

"Well, sorry but I can't hide it much longer, I want to show you to the world–well, to our closest friends here first. But the second you caught your stalker…"

"Are we bragging now? If so, I want to tell you all that Binghe and moi are also going out starting yesterday. Right Binghe?" Shen Qingqiu took Luo Binghe's hand and it caused him to smile.

"Well, it's great news! Let's open the champagne to toast to us!" Wei Wuxian stood up and walked to the wine rack near the kitchen and chose the 1996 Dom Pérignon Champagne Brut that he had for some time now. It was meant for his big celebration after Insane was out, but since Lan Wangji left, he kept the bottle and reminded himself that this was real now, not just the fantasy he so often had back then. This was real, and this was now. Him, and his boyfriend, and their beloved friends. Screw the stalker, he would never bend down for anyone's satisfaction lest of all a mere fucking coward.

He gave the bottle to Lan Wangji who looked at him with an indecipherable look in his eyes, and told him to open it. He did it with such ease and they all drank and sang and laughed until dawn, knowing that soon they would have to face the world and its ugliness again.

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