Chapter 4: One of those Days

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Chapter 4: One of those Days

Prime P.O.V

It had been one of those days.

Tedious meeting after tedious meeting, followed by the need to discipline Skids and Mudflaps over their immature antics that almost destroyed the catwalk in Hanger 1. By the time I had finished with them, I was certain I should get at least a decacycle of best behaviour from them. I had met with Ironhide to go over weapon's reports, Jazz to discuss duty rosters and Rachet had needed to discuss medical supplies.

I sighed as I transformed into my alt mode and began to drive. I had no real destination in mind, I just needed – space. I felt like I had to put some distance between me, everything, and everyone now or I might explode. I had been on edge lately for reasons I couldn't quite fathom and today had just been one of those days that had tried the fabled patience of ''Optimus Prime.''

My wheels chewed up the miles as I drove aimlessly around the small island. It really was a pretty place, surrounded by beautiful ocean and sandy beaches. I was grateful to our human allies for allowing us sanctuary in such a lovely place and I was more determined than ever to do all I could to prevent Earth from suffering the same fate as Cybertron.

Moments later, the large expanse of a grassless field strewn with various craters and targets came into view. Without realising it, I had subconsciously found my way to the firing range. Clearly the pent-up agitation and frustration I had been feeling was needing some release in the form of some target practice.

As I drew nearer, I felt a small smile spread on my dermas. /Relda/. The familiar forest green Landrover Discovery 4WD belonging to Orianna was parked just off the main road near the lone building used to house various equipment for the range. Though I had been seeking solitude, Orianna was the one person I would have been glad to see, and I felt my mood brighten at the thought of spending some time with her.

Pulling up beside her car, I initiated my transformation sequence and walked towards the field and the lone figure that stood with earmuffs on and weapon raised. I knew better than to interrupt someone when they were preparing to fire live rounds and kept my distance, content to just watch her form.

Orianna had brought the sig pistol up before her, cradling it carefully in her hands. Her right hand was wrapped around the backstrap, her right index finger carefully poised to pull the trigger. Her left hand was supporting her right and she tilted her head slightly, no doubt to line up her shot with the rear sight.

Even from my position I could tell she was deep in concentration, her eyes focused on the target that sat some 40 metres ahead of her. Not far at all really, especially compared to the distances Autobot weapons could reach. Then again, Orianna was relatively new to using a weapon. She had been given special permission earlier this year to learn how to use a weapon, primarily for self-defense purposes, and Lennox had personally overseen her training. I folded my arms across my chest, keen to see her abilities.

Almost at once the weapon fired and several volleys of shots made their way to the target as Orianna emptied her magazine. I noted with interest that the first half of the shots found their mark with deadly accuracy, the last few, however, missed. Orianna groaned out loud and swore as she lowered her weapon. She knew she had made a mistake. Turning around to retrieve another magazine from the box by her boots, she started when she caught sight of me. ''Holy shit Prime!'' She raised one of her hands to her chest, ''You nearly gave me a friggin' heart attack!''

I chuckled as I walked towards her. ''My apologies Orianna, that was not my intention. However, I thought it prudent to avoid interrupting you when you had a loaded weapon ready to fire.'' I tilted my helm to the side and nodded towards the target as I stood beside her, ''though perhaps judging by those last few shots, I need not have worried about being hit?'' My optics shone brightly with mirth as I teased her. I had missed her and our banter. It seemed that lately, Orianna and I had spent less and less time together as she seemed busy, almost preoccupied. With what, I had no idea.

Her eyes narrowed and her full lips pursed into a thin line of annoyance, though her eyes shone with mischief too. ''Well, why don't you step on out there Prime, and we'll see? Your aft is a MUCH bigger target. Even I couldn't possibly miss!''

I laughed out loud then and held my servos up before me in mock surrender. ''I yield Miss Connors! You have called my bluff.''

Orianna smiled up at me as she holstered her weapon. ''Gees, you caved easily Prime! I thought you might have had some sort of reply. And DON'T call me Miss Connors! It's OC or Orianna, or even 'hey you', but definitely not Miss or even worse bloody ma'am!'' She rolled her eyes as the corners of her lips curled in disgust at the term.

I shook my helm, a smile of amusement on my dermas as I moved to kneel next to her so I might be closer. ''Duly noted Orianna and perhaps I simply know when I am bested.'' I paused a moment, my smile fading slightly as I continued. ''Then again, perhaps I am out of practice seeing I have not had the pleasure of your company for any length of time lately?''

Orianna flinched at the none too subtle accusation and her smile faded as she averted her gaze and stooped to pick up another magazine from the box beside her. ''Ah, yeah. You noticed that? Well, you've been busy too and I... I've..'' She fumbled as she reached for her gun again.

I reached out a servo to place a digit under her chin and she drew a sharp breath. ''Orianna, of course I noticed! This may have escaped your attention, but I quite enjoy spending time with you. Of all the people and faces on this base, yours is the one I most look forward to seeing and spending time with.''

Orianna hissed softly and ducked her head away, removing her chin from my digit. She brushed a stray lock of jet black and red streaked hair away from her face as she laughed nervously. ''I ah, I had no idea you enjoyed my company that much Prime. I thought you kinda tolerated me, the annoying Australian woman who seemed to force herself upon you.'' A shadow of something that appeared to be sadness flickered across her eyes.

I shook my helm and chuckled as I decided to tease her again, after all, I had some time to make up for. ''Well, I didn't say you couldn't be annoying at times,'' Orianna raised an eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest defiantly, ''but it is true Orianna. I do very much enjoy your company and I am thankful that you, as you say ''force yourself upon me.''

A slight crimson blush appeared across her cheeks, and she slowly unfolded her arms, letting them fall by her side. My voice rumbled on, ''I hadn't realised just how withdrawn and insular I had become. How much I both needed and enjoyed having someone to talk to.'' The corners of my dermas curved up in an amused smile. ''About anything other than field reports, battle status, National security or duty rosters!'' For a moment we both just stared at each other. Perhaps this was why I had been on edge lately? Why I had started to become agitated. I was missing Orianna's calming presence. She seemed to ground me, put my spark at ease as I could simply be myself in her presence.

Orianna suddenly blinked and ran her hand through her long locks as she exhaled. ''Well, ah, I really enjoy hanging out with you too Prime,'' she laughed nervously again, and I tilted my helm towards her as she muttered almost under her breath. ''A lot actually.''

/Why was she nervous?/. ''Then maybe I shall get to see more of you over the coming weeks?''

She made a small noise and nodded her head, ''Ah yeah, perhaps.'' She smiled up at me. ''I'll try.'' All at once she focused her attention back on her pistol as she loaded the new magazine inside the clip. She grabbed a new sheet to place on the target and strode towards it. ''Speaking of trying, I better pick up my game with my aim.'' I eacthed in interest as she refed the previous target off and furrowed her brows at it, shaking her head in disappointment as she placed the new one in its stead. She held the evidence up toward me as she walked back. ''I'm starting to shoot like a bloody Decepticon!''

I folded my arms across one of my knees as I drew it up under me and laughed. ''We shall have to do something about that then Orianna. If only to keep Ironhide off your case.''

She rolled her eyes as she came to stand beside me again and snorted. 'Hunh! You make a valid point Prime. I'll give it another crack. Mind giving me some pointers?''

I nodded. ''Of course.''

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