Chapter 12 So Close.... Yet So Far Away

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Orianna P.O.V

I tensed slightly as I felt a hand rest on the top of my head and Prime sighed out loud, almost muttering to himself. ''I have wondered what it would feel like to do this,'' his fingers ran through my long locks slowly. ''I confess I have been curious about hair for quite some time.''

I raised an incredulous eyebrow against his chest. ''Really?'' I guess such things we take for granted as an everyday occurrence could possibly present as something unusual or even strangely enticing for an alien race. ''Well? What is your assessment?'' I held my breath awaiting his verdict as if it were a matter of life and death itself.

Prime's hand stilled as he considered my words. ''It feels wonderful.'' I tried to casually release the breath I had been holding. ''Soft yet almost string like, like the finest fibre optic wires and somewhat soothing to run my fingers through it.'' I felt his chest rise and fall against my face as he inhaled. But here was no heartbeat and while it was somewhat disconcerting to not hear or feel that rhythmic pulsing, the steady thrumming of what must be his spark, along with his rumbling deep voice, as they vibrated through me, sufficed enough. ''Smells nice too. Like rain, our beach, and flowers – and you.''

I coughed and fought back the crimson blush as I patted his chest. ''Ah, thanks Prime.'' I needed to change the subject. ''Umm, not to be pushy or anything but my questions? You haven't answered them?''

Prime's voice rumbled on. ''My apologies Orianna, I was distracted.'' He continued to absentmindedly stroke my hair as he spoke. ''To be honest I am not entirely sure how it is all achieved. Rachet is the one to have developed this technology, but it is basically the most advanced form of holographic imagery available. I have been able to successfully activate this holoform image for about three months now.''

I slightly raised my head; a questioning look on my face. ''But I thought holograms were only a three-dimensional image, created by photographic projection. You can't touch them,'' as if to prove my point, I ran my left hand slowly across and down his broad chest to his abdomen. ''Yet I can DEFINITELY feel you Prime.''

Prime had stiffened as my hand ran along his frame, his hand in my hair seemed to pause in its ministrations as he tightened his grip. His voice was low and husky as he replied. ''I know Orianna. I can definitely feel you too.''

My eyes shifted from his face to my hand resting against his toned abdomen. I could not help but think all that separated my hand from his bare skin was that fabric. The urge to lean forward and remove the offending shirt so I might touch him, /or better still lean down to place a trail of kisses.../.

''Orianna?'' Prime's voice, filled with curiosity though tinged with concern, broke into my lustful thoughts.

I immediately removed my hand from his abdomen, holding it aloft as I was unsure what to do with the offending appendage. ''Sorry Prime!'' I felt a familiar blush creep across my face. Lucky he couldn't read my mind!

He chuckled again and grabbed my hand placing it on his shoulder. I could feel the breath of his laugh against my hair and his fingers once again resumed their path through my tangled locks. ''It is okay Orianna. It certainly didn't hurt me. I am just not used to being touched in such a way, especially by a human female.'' His voice dropped to almost a whisper. ''And it has been millions of years since I held anyone against me in such an embrace, please, forgive me if I am doing something wrong or react in a way contrary to acceptable social norms.''

There was no mistaking whom he was talking about, and I found myself squeezing him tightly in support, which he returned. I risked raising my head to look into his face and saw a sadness in his eyes as he too seemed to be lost in memories. ''I'm so sorry Prime. I cannot imagine being without such comfort for so long.'' I smiled at him and gently brushed my left hand against his face, stirring him from his private reveries. ''Seems like as much as I needed a hug, without really knowing it, YOU may have needed it more?'' I raised my eyebrow questioningly at him.

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