Chapter 94: A Dangerous Game

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Author's Note: I know the last chapter may have seemed out of place given the events before it, but at the end of it I wanted to allude to OC's growing conflict. Lennox and OC KNOW things between them are changing – HAVE changed – but neither of them is quite ready, or able to admit it yet because they do genuinely care for and love each other, but they are starting to quietly question if it is enough.

This chapter takes place the day after the volleyball match and its fall out. It is assumed that Optimus caught up with Liv and apologized again, perhaps inadvertently giving her the impression he cared more for her than he should.

Optimus seeks Rachet's advice following Orianna's reaction to his near kiss with Liv and the way she responded to his question. Optimus is conflicted and needs reassurance he is doing the right thing.

That is not what he gets!

It is the start of a new school year for me and I am going to be crazy busy BUT, if I know ya all are enjoying the story and want more – HINT writing reviews, votes and follows - I would make a really BIG effort to post more chapters and finish this sucker off.

Just saying... 😉

Prime P.O.V

''Ironhide told you to do what!?'' a pair of angry, confused, sky blue optics glowered at me from across the Med Bay.

I felt the smallest ripple of concern wash over me at my friend and medic's tone at my confession just now. Rachet's temper was legendary and somewhat feared amongst the team. Even Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, battle hardened warriors and frontliners, thought twice about provoking Rachet's ire.

Ex-venting loudly in both frustration and weariness, I leaned against one of the metallic pillars in the room and folded my arms across my chest as I jutted out a hip. ''To use Orianna's tactics against her to try and ascertain if she still has feelings for me.'' I shuttered my optics at him.

''How?'' He barked at me before he turning away to riffle around a large drawer, presumably searching for some instrument to conduct repairs.

I shrugged my shoulders as I watched him with some trepidation. ''Act in a manner that suggests I may have a romantic interest in another woman..''

''AND YOU LISTENED TO HIM?'' Rachet whipped back around to face me; his dermas opened wide in shock.

I glared at him silently for a moment. ''Yes.''

He snorted loudly as he shook his helm disapprovingly. ''I thought you were much wiser than your current actions would indicate Optimus.''

My optics narrowed in his direction. ''Rachet, believe me I gave Ironhide's suggestion very careful consideration before..'

''Oh really? You did, did you?'' he retorted sarcastically. Turning his back on me, he resumed searching for the item he needed.

I pushed off the pillar and brought both servos by my sides. ''Rachet. I have not directly interfered with Orianna and Major Lennox's relationship and Miss Winters..''

There was a loud grunt from the other side of the room as Rachet closed the drawer and turned back to face me, item in his servo. ''I was wondering who the other woman in question may be...'' He walked over to one of the instruments near the oversized gurney and began to open its panel, prodding and poking around at the wires inside. ''So how does Miss Winters feel about..''

''Miss Winters,'' I interjected tersely, ''was the one who approached me Rachet and initiated conversation that day I first appeared in my holoform to the N.E.S.T soldiers at training.'' I began to pace about the room, servos behind my back. ''She has been the one who has sought my attention and company since that day. I have not overtly encouraged her to seek my attention, nor have I lied to her. I have not hurt her...''

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