Chapter 37: Unfamiliar Territory

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Author's note: As always, thanks for any comments, votes or follows and just dropping by to read my story. Appreciate you being on this little journey with me.

And so we continue...

Lennox P.O.V

''Give Prime some time to come around,'' I shouted out to the bathroom door as OC sat sprawled by the tub, rinsing her hair, mouth and face, ''maybe he'll realise he's made a mistake?'' I offered hopefully.

OC snorted and hiccupped as she turned the taps off and placed the removeable shower head in the tub. ''Lennox, the dude is over nine million years old,'' she groaned out loud as she grasped the side of the tub and tried to haul herself to her feet,'' I strode over and helped her. ''I don't think I can afford to wait for him to come around!''

I laughed as I helped her towards the towel rail, and she haphazardly lunged at the nearest one. I stood back as she gingerly pat the towel over her face and wrapped it around her hair like a turban. ''When you put it like that OC – Prime is quite the cradle snatcher wouldn't you say?'' I grinned mischievously at her.

She flicked the towel back over her shoulder, clasping at the rail for support as she did so. Brown and gold flecked eyes stared pointedly into my own chocolate-coloured eyes as she shook her head and began to shuffle to the medicine cabinet above the sink, rummaging around. ''You're a dick Lennox.''

''Would you like me to go?'' I teased as I pointed to the door and took a step in its direction. '''Cause I CAN leave...''

OC froze, a panicked look crossing her visage as she shook her head. ''NO!'' She groaned again and returned to her task. ''I mean, you might as well stay now, ya know, seeing as you're here.''

I walked towards her as she continued to fossick around in the cabinet. ''What are you doing?'' I asked in mild irritation.

''I'm trying to find some asprin,'' she bit back tersely, her headache clearly getting the better of her.

Sighing in frustration, I placed my hands on her shoulders gently guided her aside. ''Here! Let me have a look and you go and start getting,'' I gestured to her outfit that clung to her curves, ''ahhh, ready for bed.''

OC nodded and began to shuffle towards the door slowly. Pausing in the doorway, she leaned against the frame as she slowly reached behind her back for the zipper. ''Thanks Lennox. I know I can be a pain the arse, but I really do appreciate what you've done for me tonight,'' her smile broadened, ''what you are doing for me tonight.''

I returned her smile warmly. ''You're welcome.'' Even with her hair in a towel turban, her make up removed and the beginning of dark circles under her eyes, she still looked beautiful as she leaned against the doorway smiling at me. /Prime's loss.../.

She began to pull the zipper down as she turned to walk to the bedroom, and I caught a fleeting glimpse of her bra. I listened to her shuffle towards the bedroom and heard the unmistakable sound of the dress being thrown on the floor. A familiar heat began to build within me at the thought of her standing in her room right now, out of that dress. I shook my head and returned to my self-appointed task. ''Ahh, asprin! Comin' right up!'' I yelled perhaps a little too enthusiastically in a bid to hide my inappropriate thoughts, as I placed my hands on the item and closed the cabinet door behind me. /NOT cool man! She is heartbroken, somewhat drunk, and vulnerable and you're acting like a horny sleazebag Lennox! Get a grip!/.

''Found it yet?'' OC's voice drifted hopefully, if somewhat desperately, from the direction of the bedroom.

I rattled the packet in my hand triumphantly as I strode from the bathroom to her bedroom, ''Yeah, it..'' I paused in the doorway. OC was wearing high cut, lacy midnight blue satin briefs and a tight, white tank top that seemed to accentuate her full breasts. Her hair had been freed from the towel and her damp, wavy black locks hung loosely about her shoulders and face. She was paused on the edge of the bed, slightly bent over as she was about to climb in. I felt myself swallowing nervously as I stared at her.

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