Chapter 50: An Ocean Away

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Orianna P.O.V

''Well, it sure is nice to see you again Orianna. It's been what, eighteen months?'' Judy Witwicky opened her arms to invite me in for a hug.

I chuckled out loud as I willingly wrapped my arms around the feisty woman's shoulders and gave her a tight squeeze. ''Yeah, something like that Judy. Either way, far too long since I've seen you all.'' It felt good to be hugged once more. Judy smiled brightly at me as she released me and stepped back to allow her husband to greet me.

''Ha!'' Ron Witwicky exclaimed. ''Give it a couple of weeks around here OC, and you'll be thinking another eighteen months apart from us would be a blessing.'' He patted my back several times in a rough, typical fatherly display of affection.

''I know I'm hanging out to leave and start college,'' Sam muttered under his breath as he took my suitcases towards the stairs.

''Watch it mister!'' Judy threatened, slapping Sam's shoulder as he walked past.

I laughed at the exchange, noticing Judy's eyes start to mist up at the mention of college. Ron rolled his eyes as he stepped back from me. ''Welcome OC. So glad I have some more estrogen in the house to help me navigate the emotional roller-coaster Judy's been on these past few weeks preparing for Sam..''

''Dad!'' Sam barked back at his dad as he wrangled the cases up onto the first step. ''Can we please change the topic? You don't want to set her off again, do you?'' His voice held a definite concern to it. ''You know how she gets.''

Ron began to open his mouth to reply when Judy erupted at them both. ''Well fine!'' her eyes flicked angrily between them both as she sniffed back a sob. Turning on her heel she stormed in the direction of the kitchen. ''I'm going to go and have a wine or two for a night cap and there's shit you can do about it!'' She halted at the doorway to the kitchen. ''Orianna, YOU'RE welcome to join me.'' Judy narrowed her eyes in warning towards Ron and Sam. ''Having another woman around will be a nice change from living with a couple of arseholes!''

Ron rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation as Sam mouthed the words ''fucking hell'' and slapped his forehead. I stood there looking nervously from the kitchen doorway to Ron and then to Sam. ''Ah, are you sure it's okay I stay....''

'NO! It's all good, all good,'' Sam's hand shot out to wave at me, motioning to stay. ''It's actually good timing OC as you'll be a good distract... ah, good company for my mom,'' he smiled at me as he resumed hefting the cases up the stairs and I began to follow with my backpack and a mildly concerned expression.

Ron nodded his head eagerly. ''That's right OC. We're glad you're staying with us. Judy's just a little – on edge lately with the whole 'only child leaving the nest' thing.''

Sam snorted, ''Yeah, as annoying as the mood swings can be, at least she's upset about it!''

'What's to be upset about?'' Ron taunted his son. ''I'm thinking of it not so much as loosing a son, but gaining an indoor gym not to mention the right to walk around the house naked if...''

''DAD!'' Sam exploded, almost falling down the stairs in shock. ''Enough, alright!'' He held up a hand to silence his dad's reply before sweeping it down to wave in my direction. ''OC's been here all of five minutes and mom's hit the alcohol and you're acting like some sort of pervert.'' He turned to look at me imploringly and apologetically at the same time. ''You see? You see what I have to put up with?'' He began hefting the cases again, muttering under his breath. ''Thank God someone else normal is here.''

/Ha! If only he knew the real reason I was here! I doubt normal would then be a word Sam would associate with me/. I exhaled as I nodded in understanding. /Run interference for a few weeks and help diffuse tense situations. Check!/. ''I mean sure. I'm happy to hang out with Judy, or whatever. I could do with the distraction myself.'' I immediately bit my lower lip as I internally swore.

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