Chapter 138: A caring boyfriend: SML

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𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐊𝐞𝐢 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐯:

We're now already here in my private condo unit.
Mahimbing na syang natutulog sa kama ko.

I don't know what exactly happened. All I know is, my baby really need me right now.

I sat on the bed next to her.

"Everything will be alright baby" I whispered while my fingers slowly caressed her hair.

I gentle kissed her on the top of her head.

I took the small basin with lukewarm water and laid it on the table beside me.

Kinuha ko ang small bimpo at pinunasan ang kanyang mukha na punong puno pa ng mga luha.

She's more beautiful with her outfit.

Napangiti ako while dahan2x na pinupunasan ng basang bimpo ang kanyang mukha.

Then I took the prepared dry bimpo and gently wiped her face again.

Kinuha ko ang kanyang mga kamay para mapunasan din.

Umusog ako ng kunti and ipinatong ang mga paa niya sa lap ko.

I barely lifted the hem of her dress to wipe her legs. I also washed her feet with my hands and wiped it again w/ the dry towel.

Inayos ko na ang kanyang pagkakahiga at kinumutan ng maayos.

Napatabi ako sa kanya at dahan2x muling hinahaplos ang kanyang buhok.

I was hurt, but I knew she was hurt more.


While I'm in the car, I don't know how to feel about what happened.

It's just, it's like there's a million of daggers continue stabbing my heart.

It's hard to think that she did chose him over me.

It's already 8:10 pm.

'Have she eaten dinner already?'

Naisuklay ko ang mga daliri sa buhok ko.

(*'I will be here 🎶'* )

Mabilis akong napalingon sa cp ko sa side..

'But it's not her'

Walang gana kong pinindot ang device sa tenga ko para sagutin ang tawag.

("Sir! Confirmed, she was here at the HB bar a while ago")

I closed my eyes and clenched my fist even more.

Unexpectedly, there were grains of tears that escaped from my eyes.

'Why am I hurting so much?'

("But I also found out that Miss C just came here to force Mr. Greyson to go home since he's very drunk")

I immediately opened my eyes to what I heard.


("Based on her face it looks like she doesn't want to stay in this place any longer")

Mas lalo akong nag alala.


("I will send you the full copy of the CCTV")

"Why didn't you tell it earlier!" Naiinis na asik ko.

("You didn't ask Sir")

"CASFIN!!!!!" I shouted.

("Eh Young Master, you should have allowed me to accompany her earlier, there would have been no problem..)

"Where did you get courage to talk back to me!??!"

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