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a vibrant memory,
of a distant past.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING at, my dear?"

The little boy glanced behind himself, seeing his father standing by the doorway of the balcony. He beamed, pulling away from his telescope.

"The constellations! It's been raining for a couple of days now, but the clouds have dispersed, so I've tried to—" He stopped, seemingly out of breath since he was saying all of these all in one go. "Sorry, maybe next time I should breathe."

The father's lips moved a little, probably a smile (the young boy couldn't decide what feeling he had), before he dragged a small chair and sat down by the telescope. His eyes darted upwards, set on the glimmers of the stars.

For a long moment, there was a pause as the two bathed in the beautiful blanket of stars. The little boy's eyes were gleaming with wonder and with interest.

"One day, I, too, will join them," said the father.

The little boy's eyes suddenly went dull as he shifted from the sky to the man. "You're gonna become a star?"

"Hmm, maybe? I suppose—"

The little boy jumped closer to his father with wonder, reciprocating the quite sullen look in the man's face. "What kind of star? Like... like a white dwarf?"

"I'm pretty much very tall, Armin—"

"A supergiant?"

"Okay... but I'm not that tall."

Armin squinted, thinking. "Luminous blue variable..."

His father scratched his head awkwardly. "Well...I'm neither of those you've specified. One day, you'll get what I mean."

The little boy pouted, crossing his arms. "Why not now? Oh please, please, please!"

There was silence. Armin and his father stared at each other, one was getting annoyed, the other was being patient, a small smile tugging up the corner of his lip. The latter stood up from his chair, still not giving his son the reply.

"One day. One day, you will know, my boy."

i might publish it soon instead hehe ;>

REGALLY BLOND. armin arlertWhere stories live. Discover now