[ 013 - 014 ]

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"HEY, YOU'RE NOT SICK at all!" Hitch loudly said as she placed her hand on your forehead. "Too bad you missed the Princess's grand entrance. You should have seen the look in Prince Armin's face! He looked pretty dead inside though, it was intriguing."

You were currently in bed, your back turned so you had your back against them, your face out of anyone's sight. Upon hearing that, your expressions went sour as your fingers clenched harder on your futon. That is what I've been avoiding in the first place, dumbass, you mentally screamed at Annie's bodyguard.

This morning, you had lied about not feeling well so you could skip the Princess of Ilsein's arrival, but that was all a facade. You just didn't want to deal with the emotions of hurt bottled up inside of you. Heck, you didn't even want to know what Armin did after she introduced himself. Did he kiss her hand? Maybe called her his wife? Did he say something cheesy?

Your heart suddenly felt heavy. Oh how much you wanted to exchange places with her so badly—you wanted him, someone you were one-hundred percent aware of that you could never engage romantic relations to, and yet here you were, quite in love with a man who probably doesn't even love you.

Not quite, but extremely in love, especially with all the cheesy things he's been saying for the past few days. It made your heart yearn for him even more as it was blind to the reality that was being pushed by basic protocol number one. Yet it was so hard not to fall for him, especially since every time you gave him a hug, you felt so warm and delighted, almost as if you were on cloud nine.

Get a grip, Y/N. You're not getting the boy. He's obviously not for you.

You heard footsteps tapping from behind you and you looked over your shoulder a little to see two familiar figures replacing the very noisy Hitch, who was now nowhere in sight.

"Can you please tell us what's going on, Y/N?" Eren asked with concern as he shut the door behind him. "You've been acting strange all morning. It concerns us, you know?"

You only shifted your body to your back so you could see them much clearer. Mikasa has seated herself on your bed, while her adoptive brother was leaning against the wall next to the door. There was one similar trend between them—their faces looked very grim and confused at the same time like they had an idea about what you felt about the heir to the throne.

Mikasa took your hand in hers and softly caressed the back of it. "Please, you can trust us. We want to know what's bothering you."

"Something going on with you and the crown prince?"

There came the question you never thought you'd be answering with a yes. You hesitantly nodded, expecting them to go crazy over the information you had just provided, yet they only nodded back, their expressions never wavering.

"And you are aware that you can never be with him, right?" Mikasa asked, and you thought you heard pity in your voice.

Suddenly, you felt very empty, like a piece of a discarded candy wrapper. You nodded once again before lowering your head as you felt a wave of tears coming... yet your eyes were surprisingly dry. Maybe it had gotten to the point where you just felt like a void of nothingness that you no longer had any feelings to express.

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