[ 003 - 004 ]

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AFTER BEING INSPECTED BY the guards in front of King Erwin's office, you were finally allowed to enter. It was massive, with bookshelves and different paintings and sculptures all over the place. At the end of the room was a desk, where the majestic King Erwin sat, doing some paperwork. He stopped scribbling on the paper he had on his desk when he noticed you approaching him. Lowering his reading glasses onto his desks, he clasped his hands on the table, giving off a vibe that said 'strictly business.'

You could tell even from afar and even if he was seated that he was a tall man with a muscular build. He had the same blond hair his children had that was neatly parted on the left side and dazzling blue eyes. He almost reminded you of the actor who played Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and you couldn't help but stare a little bit in confusion.

Once you were a meter away from his desk, you bowed very low that your back started to hurt. "Your Majesty, I am Y/N L/N," you introduced, still not lifting your head up. "And I have come to watch over your son and keep him safe at all costs." Only then did you lift your head up, meeting the king's seemingly amused icy blue eyes.

He gestured for you to sit on one of two chairs by his table and you gladly sat down as he rummaged through the neatly stacked pile of folders on his desk. He pulled out a brown folder, opening it to reveal your datasheet and other attached documents, such as proof of live birth and xerox copies of your college diploma and Eldian Security Industry Authority license. It took around five minutes for him to go over it and from time to time, you would glance nervously at him then back to random pieces of art littered in his room.

He cleared his throat after stowing the folder on top of the pile, a warm smile appearing on his face. "It is quite refreshing to hear that the primary reason you're here is to protect the next in line to the throne," he gracefully remarked. "Most of the time, applicants would say that it was the salary that attracted them to the job or something of the like. But you—I haven't had an answer that showed just how much your dedication is to protect my son. For that, I am delighted."

You gave him an amused smile, feeling both proud and touched at the same time. "Thank you sir."

He nodded. "Have you met my son by any chance?" You pursed your lips and averted your gaze to your lap. He sighed, taking the hint. "I apologize if you're a little disappointed by his... unsophisticated behavior. He wasn't always like that, you see. He used to be very cheerful when he was a kid—before my son Zeke passed away. He and Armin were the closest out of all the siblings, so you could just imagine how much his death affected his younger brother."

Your mouth had subconsciously hung open in realization. Armin's behavior earlier suddenly started to make sense— he was clearly disturbed, traumatized, and intensely crestfallen by his older brother, your idol's death. That must be why he was cold most of the time. It isn't an excuse to treat people badly, yes, and it was a sign that he needed help. Suddenly, you felt pity and sorrow well up in your heart, the corners of your mouth tugging down to the misfortune of the royal family.

"You are his first personal bodyguard, Ms. L/N," he admitted as he smoothened out his clothes. "And I beg of you to be very patient with him. He's very difficult to handle in the beginning, but I pray you'll get along with him just fine."

"I won't give up on him, your Majesty," you promised, hovering your hand over to where your heart was. "And I promise to keep him safe."

King Erwin grinned. "Thank you, Y/N. You have my trust. I have great expectations of you since you've graduated rank one in your year. You will not disappoint me." He cleared his throat, snatching an envelope from his drawer and handing it over to you. "Please read this if you have time. And since we do not have any other matters to talk about, you are dismissed."

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