[ 027 - 028 ]

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author's note
I made Annie and Mikasa a thing, yes. Why? Because why not lmao I love Mikaannie <3

TENSION BECAME THE PRIMARY theme inside the room for the next ten minutes. Everyone except Armin was seated on their chairs circling the coffee table, silently feeling the moment of unrest thick in the air. Annie had her arms crossed on her chest while Bertolt (who had actually just walked in since he was going to check on Armin) had his hands on his lap; both were looking down, not wanting to meet eyes with anyone inside the room. Armin was sitting up on his bed, a glass of water in his hand, solemnly staring at it, and you had your hands planted firmly on the table.

Armin was the one who broke the silence and you watched as he shifted in his bed to put his glass down on his nightstand, his eyebrows narrowing as he stared intensely at the ceiling. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice sounding like he was distracted.

Annie let out an unamused hum. "We both know what you did, Armin. You can't lie to me. We came from the same mother." She sank back into her seat, eyeing you, then Armin with a bland expression on her face. "You're the next king, in case you're forgetting. All restrictions are much tighter on you. Unlike me, you can't bend things on your own will because Father wants you to marry a royal."

"This is all your fault because you passed the responsibility to me," her younger brother murmured, his free hand clenching into a fist. "Had you not objected this, then maybe life would've been easier for me."

"Hah!" the princess snorted, sounding very insulted. "My fault? Do you think it's my fault? No, it's Zeke's fault. If he only listened to us, then maybe he would've been the one suffering, not you, not me."

"You stupid bitch! How dare you?" Armin bellowed, looking like he was about to get out his bed and throw a punch at his sister. You shot up your own seat and made your way to restrain him from getting out of his bed. "Him dying wasn't his fault! Why would you blame that on him? That's why I hate you with a passion. I wish you weren't my sister!"

When his words had washed over Annie, her expression altered to show how it stung her—she was hurt. Your boyfriend, still raging, didn't notice that and went on, rambling about how much he despised her ever since Zeke died and how insensitive she was. "—because you seriously don't get what I feel, Annie! You're selfish that you didn't even consider what effect this responsibility I would have to commit. You're the qualified one, yet you shoved it aside, handing it over to me—the least qualified out of all five siblings. And here I am, not wanting to give it up because I'm thinking about Reiner and I love him so dearly to not want him to suffer. So Annie, let me ask you this: have you ever thought about me the same way I—"

"Shut up!" she shrieked, alarming all of you. You even gasped. "Stop saying you're not qualified, you conceited piece of shit! There's a reason you're next to the throne, not me. You and Zeke were the smart ones—those fit to rule the monarchy. All you think about is yourself, but have you wondered about the sake of your people? What good would my ideas be, huh? Yours are a cut above mine and I can already see how well your plans will be for the future when they're finally executed. So tell me, am I still selfish?"

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