Low blood sugar

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Daniella POV

I haven't had coffee for weeks, I stopped when I found out I was pregnant. It's seriously driving me crazy. Coffee is what gets me through the day, but I can't have it. Is this what pregnancy is like?

Everything I eat refuses to stay down, it's frustrating and tiring. So I started skipping some meals lately.

It's been days since I last heard or spoke to Aaron. And the worst part is the constant wet dreams that I have been having of him lately. I can't sleep through a night without dreaming of him, and it hurts not to see him next to me when I wake up. My breasts hurts more than usual, and my hormones had my mood changing every time. Dreaming of him has really helped with the trauma from the kidnap. I do get sleepless nights still, but the taught of Aaron calms me down through the night, like a drug. At times I cry myself to sleep when I think of him.

This week has been extremely stressful, and emotional for me. I can't seem to get a break from it.

" Ellie? "

" Huh!" I looked up at Nora who was sitting across me.

" Was wrong darling? You spaced out on us." My mom said.

"I'm sorry.." I said.

" Are you ok baby girl?" My mom asked.

"Mom I'm fine." I said, plastering a fake smile on my lips.

" No you're not ok..I hate that you can't open up to us" my dad snapped.

" You want me to open up." I yelled, having no idea why I'm yelling. " Fine! I'm not ok... I'm hungry almost every time, and any thing I eat, refuses to stay down. I'm exhausted every time. I'm angry that the man I'm madly in love with left me. I'm confused about where I got it all wrong, and the worst part of all is the fact that I'm damn horny every time. " I seethed, feeling my throat burn from holding back my tears. " So stop asking if I'm ok, cause I'm not." I bursted into tear.

I quickly stood up from my seat, as I felt everyone's gaze fell on me. Nora looked like she wanted to say something, but she kept her mouth shut, which I solemnly appreciate. I can't make a fool of myself in front of everyone again.

" I didn't know that's how you felt Princess." My dad said, getting up from his seat." I'm sorry l haven't been strong enough for you." He said, walking towards me.

" It's not your fault Dad." I said, feeling a bit weird, dizzy, like the world was spinning around, and I'm floating.

" Are you alright?" I heard Chris ask, standing up quickly, as he walked over to stand beside me.

" I don't know." I held his arm." I'm feeling dizzy.. like I'm floating." I said, and then everything goes black as I see myself falling, unable to stop myself, and the screams of panic.

* * * *

Chris POV.

" Shit!" I quickly wrapped my hand around her waist, catching her before she falls.

The scream of Nora and Mrs Robert fills the air, as they see Dani passed out in my arms.

" Ellie! Oh my God." Nora cried out.

" We need to get her to the hospital." I said, adjusting her weight on my arm, as I carried her.

" Oh my precious baby." Her mom cried into her father's arm as we all rush her to my car.

* * * * *
" Help. I need help here." I yelled for a doctor, as I ran into the hospital.

Two female nurses ran towards me with a stretcher. I gently lay Dani's limp body on the stretcher when a doctor walks over to us.

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