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Daniella's pov💋

"It was a pleasure dancing with you Dani...Excuse me." Ryan said, through clenched teeth, before walking away.

"Mark? Where the hell have you been?" I shouted.

"Los Angeles baby... Wow my little teddy bear is all grown up now."

"Shut up... I have always grown." I stuck out my tongue at him.

He chuckled.

"So... Dancing with your ex... Hmmm?" he wriggled his brows.

"Stop getting funny ideas... He begged me for just one dance, which you ruined for him by the way."

"He is damn lucky it was only his dance I ruined, and not that ugly face of his." he said.

I laughed "Nora already beat him up once... I don't want you beating him up again."

"He is  lucky I wasn't around to help Nora in crushing his balls." he said, making us both laugh.

"Dance with me." I said.

"Well I didn't come all the way down from Los Angeles to talk about that ugly ex of yours...So tell me about Aaron." he said, as we both began to dance.

Aaron's pov.

"I hate to keep you away from your lovely wedded wife... Congratulations once more." Mr. Wayne said.

"Thank you Mr. Wayne....Excuse me." I said, walking away from him.

Damn! The man is a walking parrot in the form of a human. He kept on talking and talking about business for the past 45 minutes, keeping me away from my Ella.

I walked around, looking for Ella. I finally spotted her at the dance floor, and when I did my blood started to boil. A shade of red crept up from my neck to my face. The veins around my neck could be seen, my hands clenched in a fist.

She was dancing with a man, and in my opinion he was holding her way too damn close, and she was laughing at whatever the asshole was saying. I felt something I never felt before, Jealousy.

Taking a few strides, I stood right beside them.

"Excuse me... I believe this is my dance." I growled, taking Ella's arm without waiting for an answer.

"Of course Aaron." he turned to Ella. "See you around teddy bear." he winks at her before walking away.

I took her in my arms and started dancing.

"Aaron, you were rude to Mark." she said, glaring at me.

"He was holding you way too close, and who the hell is he anyway?" I grunt, angrily.

"It was only a dance" she snapped.

"It was only a dance my ass... You two were looking cozy, holding you too close with his hands on your lower back and he had his face resting on your head." I snapped.

"Are you jealous? because you have no reason to be." she said, looking up at me.

"I don't get jealous" I scoffed.

"Fine. Whatever makes you sleep at night... I need to get some rest." she said "Can we go home?"

"We aren't done here."

"I am going to bid everyone goodbye." she said, pulling out of my hold.


Daniella's pov 💋

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