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There was a knock on the door. Someone was at the door and I was too tired to get up and get who was at the door.

The knock came again, followed by the doorbell. I had to cover my ears with the pillow. Who on earth could be at the door so early on Christmas morning.

I got up when the knock came again. My hair was left flowing. It was a bit rough. There was no time to comb it so I had to pack it up in a ponytail style.

I got up and it took time for my legs to get used to the ground. Aaron and I had made love all night. Right from his office, in the club, down to the car, then in the living room when we got home. We did it in the shower also and I was quite surprised at his energy, he was like a sex god.

My cheeks turned red remembering the sexercise. I turned back to see how Aaron was on bed but the bed was empty. Where had he gone? Could he be the one at the door maybe he forgot his keys.

I heard the knock on the door one more time.

"Coming.." I said and quickly put on my nighties and added a robe to it.

Aaron had called Mary last night that she should have the day off and he'd insisted she left last night which she had obeyed after setting up dinner. We'd met the house empty and had it to ourselves.

I hurried down the stairs and decided to give Aaron a surprise and pulled the robe down a bit slightly revealing my shoulders. The nightie I had on revealed my cleavage slightly showing my nipples.

I smiled to myself ready to shock Aaron out of his wits.

"Forgot some.... Jesus." I said and immediately shut the door. That wasn't Aaron. I immediately put on the robe properly, put on my best smile and reopened the door.

"Thanks for slamming the door in my face." Anthony said with a crooked smile on his face.

"Tony, I'm sorry." I said trying my best not to look embarrassed.

"So. Can we come in?"

"We?" I said looking dumbfounded.

"Am I safe?" I heard a familiar voice say before I opened the door wider just to see Ethan standing behind the door.

"Ethan?" I smiled at him. Then opened the door wider, "come on in." I said and stepped outside.

"Is the beast around?" Ethan asked.

"I really don't know.. I actually thought he was.. You know.."

"Yeah. I got it." he said with a grin.

I immediately shut the door because it was too cold outside.

"Tea or Coffee."

"Coffee of course. We're not British." he said faking an accent.

"Alright sir. I'll get you your coffee." I said faking an accent too before going to the kitchen to get the coffee ready.

I was setting it in the cup before I heard the living room door open. Looked like Aaron was back.

"Jesus Christ Aaron, relax man. I brought you a peace offering." Ethan said loudly from the living room.

I hurriedly left for the living room with two cups of coffee.

"Aaron. You are back." I said holding the two mugs in my hand.

"Yeah.." he paused and looked at me for a while. He raised an eyebrow and gave a disappointed look at my choice of clothing.

I got the cue and smiled at him. I walked over to Ethan and Tony and handed them the coffee.

"I'll be right back. I need to clean up my face to look more presentable to you guys." I said with a smile.

"You don't need to. You look really beautiful just the way you are." Ethan said with a wink.

I saw Aaron clench his fist ready to smash Ethan's face with it.

"Ethan. Why are you being suicidal." Tony said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" Ethan answered indifferently.

"Are you trying to get killed? I mean trying to tease Aaron with Ella." he said bending his head sideways to Aaron's direction and returning it back.

"Chill man. You know I can't resist a beautiful woman and messing with Aaron ." he said then took a sip of the coffee.

Aaron brought out a bottle of wine from a paper bag he was holding. Appeared like he'd gone to get some groceries.

"I'll hit you on the head with this if you don't pipe down."

"Chill man. I come in peace." Ethan said before dropping the bottle.

"OK. Let me have this, thank you." I said taking the groceries from him and taking them to the kitchen.

I was still sorting them out when I felt a strong hand grab me from behind and rested on my belly, caressing my baby bump.

"Aaron. Geez. You scared me." I said trying to get my breath back.

"Why?" he said kissing me on the neck. Gosh I felt like my body was set on fire.

"I thought it was someone else." I said with my eyes closed as he kept on using his lips on my neck.

"Who? Ethan?" he said before stopping.

"No silly," I said turning around before hitting his hard chest with my hands, "by the way, I need to change. We don't want to keep them waiting."

"You don't need to.."


"They're gone. I sent them packing."

"What? Why would you.."

"Why won't I? Ethan said he just returned from a business trip and decided to pay us a visit, he had to tag with Tony in case I had a shotgun and a bullet with his name on it."


"Yeah. So I had to tell them to get going."


"So tell me. Have we ever made love in the kitchen before?"

"Nope." I said closing my eyes as he continued to nuzzle on my neck.

"Well there's always a first time." Aaron said looking me in the eyes.

"But I thought you said..." he cut me off with a kiss on my lips, and began work already. Here was the man who told me he could never do it in the kitchen cos we ate there. Now he was breaking his own rules. He was really a jerk but I love him no matter how jerky he may be. I loved him because he was my billionaire jerk and mine alone.

The End.

A/N : Hello readers, this is the final chapter of BILLIONAIRE JERK 😭😭. Sorry it took me so long to complete.

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for giving my book a chance, reading it and overall not judging it😄😃.

Thanks to everyone who made it with me to the end, even though it took so long.. Like years to complete it 🙈🙈 you're all amazing 😍😘

Thank you, Thank you, whether you contributed to this story by voting, commenting, following or just plainly reading.

Thanks, I love you all 😘😘



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