Family Weekend Dinner

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            Aaron's pov

Walking out of the room to see Anthony with his arms crossed around his chest standing in the middle of the hallway.

"Hey man, can you guys give it a break?" Anthony said jokingly, raising his brow.

Ignoring him as I walked over to him, standing beside him.

"Seriously, are you going to pretend like you didn't...." he kept on ranting before my thoughts drifted of to Ella.

Walking in to see Ella in nothing but a thong and bra,  swaying her body and hips to the music was such a turn on for me.

It took everything in me not to take her right on that spot, with her delicious breast and pink nipples on a full display for me.

Damn, I am so freaking glad that I forgot my phone.

Seeing her like that made me want her the more, I want my lips all over her body, marking her has mine, I want to kiss her soft lips, suck her delicious looking breasts, lick her belly, kiss her thighs and eat out her pussy till she moans out my name while cumming on my face... Wait! what the fuck is wrong with me.

I never thought of pleasuring a woman, why  the hell was I thinking of doing those things to Ella.

"Maybe because she is your wife and you haven't fulfilled your duty as a husband to her." I heard my subconscious mind say to me.

I smirked, my subconscious mind was right after all. All I need to do was to have her in bed and she would be out of my mind.

"Hello.... Hello... Aaron" Anthony said his fingers right in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I was talking to you for like?" he stretched out his hand, looking at his wristwatch. "For the past ten minutes now, and you zoomed out on me." he said dramatically.

"Can you stop being a drama queen? " I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Ahhh.... How dare you say that to..."

"Am ready" Ella said cutting Anthony shut as she walked out of the room.

We both turned our face to her direction, where she stood in front of the door.

She looks just beautiful in the blue ruched dress. It fitted her like a second skin, outlining her body and curve in the right place. It made her curve look larger and her butt bigger. Damn Its really giving my not so little man a hard time cooling down in my pants.

"Wow Dani, you look gorgeous." Anthony commented making Ella blush.

"Thank you." she replied

"Can you stop staring and let's go" she said a little bit harshly, facing me.

"Sure."  I replied her back in the same tone.

Walking over to her, I tired to wrap my arm round her waist but she smacked it off.

I bent down, leaning close to her ear.

"Behave princess, or loose 75% of your filthy company." I whispered, kissing the spot below her ear before pulling back to look at her face.

"Hey.. No time for naughty talks, you can get all wide after dinner but for now it's dinner time, so let's get moving."

Smiling to myself, as we walked down the hallway leading to the dining.

        Daniella's POV 💋

The dining hall was lit with a beautiful chandelier light shining across the room. There was a soft classic music playing in the background. Everywhere looks highly sophisticated.

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