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Aaron's POV

It's been 1 week since I last saw her, 7 days since she has been discharged from the hospital. 168 hours,10,080 minutes, 604,800 seconds since she's been occupying my mind.

I miss her, I miss everything about her. I'm surprised at how I've survived this past few days without running back into her arms. I want her by my side, I want her back in my life, I can't do this anymore, I can't be without her.

I haven't done anything since I got back from the hospital on Wednesday, I had to leave her hospital room when I noticed her eyes twitching , like she was about waking up. I stood outside her room, watching her from the waiting room, not wanting to put her through anymore stress by seeing me.

It's been hell ever since I left the hospital. Not being able to hold, touch or talk to her has been depressing. I haven't left my bed since I got in Wednesday night, unless I needed to use the toilet, have a drink or eat, other than that I haven't literally done anything. The house is a mess, I'm a mess, I probably smell like shit, but right now, I don't give a fuck about it.

 The house is a mess, I'm a mess, I probably smell like shit, but right now, I don't give a fuck about it

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It's Thursday evening and I'm still in bed, because it the only place I wanna be at the moment. My abdomen still hurts a bit, but the bullet wound is healing now, I'm just left with a bruise, that hurts once in awhile.

"Aaron" I heard my name called.

Now is not the time, I just wanted to be alone, so I decided to shut my mouth, maybe if I keep quiet, they will think I'm out, and then they will leave.

"Buddy, where are you?" Anthony yelled.


" We know you are in here somewhere." I heard Chris say.

" Just keep looking, he's in here, somewhere." I heard Tony say. " Look everywhere." Then my door opens. "Never mind, found him." He said, as he walks in, with Chris not far behind.

" Looks like there was a storm in here." Tony says. " What the hell happened to you?"

" Go away." I mumbled, not moving an inch.

" What are you still doing in bed by this time?" Chris said, walking over to the bed." Becca called us, saying she hasn't heard from you in a week, and you have not appeared in the company for 3 weeks now."

"As you can see I'm fine..you can leave now." I say.

" How long have you been like this? How long have you been in bed? " Tony ask.

I decided not to answer him.

" That's it, you need a bath, because you stink, and the whole house is a mess." Chris says. He signalled for Tony to help him. They both pulled me out of bed, making me miss the comfort of my nice cossy warm bed. They get me standing up, although what I want to do is fall right back into my bed, and sleep away my sorrows.

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