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"Put me down." I yelled at him, but he didn't answer.

"I said put me down."

"No." he said in a stern voice

"Aaron put me down or... or.."

"Or what princess?"

"Or I swear I am going to give you a wedgy."

He slapped my butt cheek hard, making me hiss in pain.

" Did you just spank me?" I hissed.

I felt another slap on the other butt cheek

"Ouch... Aaron stop spanking me."

"I will, when you shut your mouth up."

"Let me go." I yelled pounding Aaron's back as he carried me out the club.

"No! Now stop hitting me Ella" he yelled as he spanked me again.

My butt hurts, that's the only reason why I kept quiet.

I was still fucking pissed at him. How dare he fight with Ethan and just drag me away like I am a doll.

We got to were he parked his car, he put me down, then he opened the car door for me.

"Get into the car."

"No, I will rather walk home than be in the same car with you."

His jaw tightened as he said in a harsh voice "I swear Ella, if you don't get into this car on the count of three, I will throw you over  my shoulder, spank you, and fuck you raw and hard when we get home, and I won't fucking care if you want me to stop."

"1" he said in a hoarse voice.

Damn, I felt my panties go wet, his hard voice was such a turn on to me.

"Get in the car."

"Please stop this nonsense, I don't want to go with you."

"I won't be responsible for my actions, 2"

"Fine" I yelled at him

I opened the door and sat in, he got into the drive seat, locked the door and drove off.

             Aaron's POV

I was fucking furious to see my wife grind her ass on Ethan , she was fucking mine, I don't care if I sound possessive, she was straddling him, he had his hands on my ass, yes, her ass and whole body belongs to me, and only me.

After I asked him to get his filthy hands off my wife, I gripped her, yanking her off his laps. I was so angry that he had the guts to ask what my problem was after he had his hands on my woman, so I punched his face and he punched mine back, getting me more pissed, we both fought, tumbling on the floor before the guys came over to separate us.

I saw the look on Daniella's face, she was terrified when the whole fighting started, she walked past me trying to get to Ethan but I pulled her back quickly, throwing her over my shoulder like she weighed nothing.

She yelled at me, telling me to put her down which made me even more angry, that she wanted to leave me and run off to that idiot to take care of him. I spanked her, making her yelp, she hit me on my back, earning herself another spank.

I placed her down immediately we got to the car, I asked her to get in but she refused, so I her told what I would do to her if she didn't listen, I knew that would change her mind quickly.

She got into the car, I got into the driver seat and drove away.


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