Meeting The Handsome Jerk

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"Buzz.. Buzz" the alarm clock kept ringing on the nightstand. So loud it felt like a car alarm. I stirred and moved to the other side of the bed, it was so annoying as my head began to ring along with it.

I reached for my pillow to cover my ears and block the sound of the alarm. It still kept coming, I had to turn over on my belly, face down and sunk my head into my soft bed, but attempts to block the sound from disturbing my beautiful sleep proved futile.

After several attempts of struggling with the pillow, I had to resort to one more option, force.

"Shut up." I said and threw my pillow at the alarm clock, knocking it off the nightstand and letting it fall to the ground.
"Now you're quiet." I said rolling my eyes.

I was up already, thanks to Mr loud mouth who was now on the floor. I didn't really care if the alarm was damaged, I was happy I'd exacted vengeance on it. I sat up and stretched holding back a yawn.

The sun was up early today, it lighted up my room giving it a beautiful shade. I took a deep breath and laid back trying to catch up on my sleep. It was a weekend and I had little or nowhere to go. I smiled at the thought and started to relax more into the soft comfort my bed had to offer.

I had barely returned to sleepy town when it came to me in a flash. Geez, I was supposed to meet with mom and dad today by 9:00 this morning, from the look of it, I was few minutes away from being late.

"Shit." I cursed and hurriedly got out of bed missing it as soon as I got out of it.
I hurriedly took off my nightie, forgetting to take a towel, rushed to the bathroom and went straight for the shower.

It was quite cold outside but I'd have to settle for a cold shower after last night. Nora and I had gone to Antonio's for a girl's night out.

I cursed as the chilled water rained on my body. I was probably going to freeze to death, but I'd prefer that to my mom's whining about being late and all that.

I spent like 15 minutes in the shower before looking for a towel to dry myself up.
Then I had to battle with myself on what to wear, in the end, I settled with an olive green jumpsuit and a gladiator sandal with heels.

Few minutes later I had my face to the mirror, turned around to check myself out, I looked good, I hoped

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Few minutes later I had my face to the mirror, turned around to check myself out, I looked good, I hoped. Mum was always complaining about my style and choice of clothes but it didn't really bother me, it's my choice that really mattered to me.

I rushed out of my room and headed straight to the living room, there I met the greatest shock of my life. Behold on my couch laid a big baby, if babies had mustaches and beard.

He laid, stretched on my couch, had nothing on but briefs, his shirt and jeans were sprawled all over the place and I could see he had this early morning erection thingy common with guys.

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