Prologue ⚠️

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Mentions  of Death

(3rd person Pov)

" Phoenix," James and Regulus snapped at Lily.

"Harry." Lily snapped back.



" Phoenix."


"Fuck you."

"You fucked me, so that's why we're here."

"Are those three seriously going to continue like this?" Remus asked. "I'm Sirius." Sirius sassed. Remus gave him a disapproving look. "Just saying." Sirius said raising his hands.

Lily, Regulus and James were still arguing about baby names for their first child together. James and Regulus wanted a daughter to treat her as a princess. While Lily wanted a son, hence why she putted James name in the boys name.

"We told you that we wanted to be surprised," Regulus argued. "More like you guys wanted a daughter, not a son. I'm carrying the baby and I know for sure that we're having a boy." Lily snarked at them.

"But I gave the sperm that made the baby." James smirked. "That's all you did." Lily laughed. "I'm doing the hard work." Lily said. "But-," James tried to argue but Lily let out a groan.

"What? What?" Regulus asked Lily. "It's time," Lily gasped. 

This caused James, Regulus and Sirius to go into a frenzy as Remus took control and led Lily to the car, hospital bag in  hand.

-July 31st, 1981-

After a few hours of intense contractions. Lily screamed out in pain as another contraction hit her. She was now in labor with her baby on the way. Lily held James hand as she cried out in pain. James was holding Regulus hand as he was crying in pain that Lily is causing.

Madam Pomfrey instructed her to push and Lily did as she said pushing down as her babies slowly but surely their way into the world.

Remus, Peter and Sirius were waiting outside their room, waiting for the news. They were anxious and nervous. The door opens and they hear cries from two newborn babies came out. James and Regulus started to cheer as they saw their babies.

"It's a girl and boy." They screamed in glee. "Shut up!" Lily shouted at them. Remus and Peter shouted in happiness and Sirius began to cry.

"Our little Bambi's" Sirius said as he cries. 

"What's their names?" Peter asked them. "Phoenix Pisces Potter-Black and Harry James Potter-Black." Regulus and James said proudly.

-9 months later-

Phoenix is so beautiful, and Harry is so handsome. through the past nine months, Phoenix looks like her mother but with her father's mannerism and eyes. Harry looks like his fathers but with his mother eyes and mannerism.

-October 31st, 1981-

James and Regulus heard that their best mate, Peter, is working for the Dark Lord. James, Regulus, Sirius and Remus went to comfort Peter. Lily is putting the twins in bed. Dumbledore walks into the house and Lily locks the door the second she hears the front door slam open. It caused the twins to wake up and start to wake up.

The twins look at her as Lily kneels down. "I love you, my princess and prince. Phoenix, Harry, Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Phoenix protects your brother. Be safe and strong." Lily whispers to the twins. "Mama?" Phoenix asked. The nursery door blasted open. Lily stood up in between the crib and Dumbledore.

"Step aside!" He ordered Lily. "NO!" Lily shouted at him. "I said step aside! You silly girl!" He ordered again pointing his wand at the woman. "Avada Kedavra!" He yelled casting the spell. A green light hits Lily, killing her instantly. She screamed and fell to the floor. Her eyes were unmoving. The light in her eyes is gone.

Her body isn't moving. Harry and Phoenix let out a whimper as Dumbledore stepped towards the babies. He focused on the twins. His intention is getting rid of the Potter-Black twins. He lifts his wand and points his wand at the twins.

"Avada Kedavra!" He casted again. The green light shot out, but it didn't hit the twins. Instead, it bounced off the twins and hit the Dark Lord who saved his mate and her brother. The Dark Lord's body disappears, and the Potter-Black twins are saved by an unknown magic. A lightning-shaped scar appeared on Harry's forehead and a rose looking tattoo on Phoenix forearm.

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