Watch Out

52 11 2

You really do think you know everything about the world don't you?

Well guess what fucktard, you don't.

And neither do I, but at least I've cut out enough ignorance to realize that.

And maybe my goddamn outfit is stupid.

But that's not the point.

It's the fact that you stated it so obviously, as if there was no possible way that anybody's opinion was even valid compared to your own.

It doesn't matter that the outfit is stupid.

Right now it's exactly what I need.

So fuck you.

Fuck you for thinking that just because you are my elder, that means I am always to respect you.

I have re created myself in such a way that I know I need not respect anyone who treats me like complete and utter garbage.

Regardless of their age.

I'm a little busy trying to fix the world you've destroyed to waste too much time worrying about my outfit.

We are, the first generation to actually give a huge middle finger to conformity.

And realize that since we are all insignificant,

Nobody can truly be right.

We said fuck you to our country, for thinking you can control us like puppets and then tell us that we are the picture of freedom.

Maybe we should replace our country's animal with a rat instead of an eagle.

Because really we are all just your fucking lab rats,

Tied down in such cruel ways and then told that we should be grateful to those that held us captive.

I've realized now that you're all just one big joke.

And now that I have,

Watch out.

A Day in the Life of the Human Race (Poetry Volume I)Where stories live. Discover now