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(3rd POV)
M/N woke up and rubs his eye,M/N pulled his blanket away and stands up from his bed M/N strecthed, M/N walked into the bathroom few minutes later M/N got out of the shower and wrap himself with a towel

M/N walked to his wardrobe and took out a nice (F/C) sweater and some jeans, M/N went downstairs and walked into the kitchen He took a bread from his table and put them in the toaster after waiting He received a call from Felix his friend

M/N picks up the phone "Hey Felix what's up" M/N puts his hand at the counter

"Hello M/N I wanted to invite you to Our new opened restaurant" Felix replied

"Oh sure I'll come when tho?" M/N asks

"You can come now well the restaurant already did its grand opening" Felix continued

"Oh really why you didnt invite me" M/N jokingly with an upset tone

"I did invited you but you said you were busy that day" Felix chuckled

"Oh yeah I remembered I was busy at work" M/N also chuckled

"Fine I'll come upu better give me free food" M/N continued and laughed

"Ha ha ha just come M/N" Felix spoke and ended the call

M/N got up from the table and the toast was finished M/N took the toast and puts ut in his mouth M/N quickly took his car keys and M/N took his coat and went out to his car

(𖧷Time skip𖧷)
(M/N POV)l

After for sometime I've arrived at the restaurant I parked my car theres a lot of parents with their children here I got out from the car

As I got in Felix saw me and ran up for a hug

"M/N how are you thx for coming!" Felix greeted me

"I-Im good Felix y-you can let me go now" I patted Felix hand a sign for him to let me go

"Oop sorry M/N" Felix giggled

Felix looked around for something and He put up his hand and ran to a personHe has a black hair, dark skin (A/N: Idk what color is Jack's skin color so bear with me....) and brown eyes He dragged the man closer to me

"M/N meet Jack, Jack meet M/N" Jack i introduces me to this "Jack" person

"Nice too meet you M/N" Jack waved

"Nice too meet you too" I smiled god his voice made me have butterflies in my stomach

"M/N Jack is my best friend since highschool" Felix explained

"Oh really that's an interesting facts" I smiled

Jack's face was turning red from embarrassment I giggled how funny it

"Hey Jack why don't we go check up on the supplies and you M/N go explore around" Felix pushes Jack to the back door

I explore around there's the children area, there were full of children in there all of them we're screaming and laughing I smiled looking at the sweet innocent children It reminds me of my little brother (A/N: lets make this sad shall we)

I shake my head snap back to reality and kept exploring I walk to the stage there's like four animatronics on the stage the animatronics are two Rabbits,One sheep,A clown and a magician some the clown and magician looked a little creppy to me but the blue rabbit and the sheep is a little terrifyingly cute but the purple catches my eyes It has a black bow tie and cute rosey cheeks

"She's cute isn't she" Jack spoke from behind me

"HOLY FUCK,O-oh yea she's cute heheheh" I rubbed behind my neck

"Oops sorry for scarying you" Jack giggled

"I-its fine, by the way what's this cute purple rabbit name" I asked

"Oh her name is Banny" Jack replied

"Wow, what a very creative name" I tilted my head jokingly

"Well me and Felix come up with it" He continued

"I mean....Its a cute name tho" I said wanted to cheer him up a little

"Ah yea it is" Jack said

Suddenly a woman comes in..


(721 words)

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