❤︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7❤︎

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(Still M/N POV)
I woke up then rubs my eye and damn my fucking ass hurts Jack fucked me too rough but it was good tho I sighed and got out of the bed I was almost fell but I manage to catch myself I looked at Jack and he was still asleep
I shrugged and went out of the room

I went to the kitchen to get myself a drink I scratched my back looking around Jack's house hmm the house looks cozy I said to myself, I drank some water and went to sit at the couch I took out my phone (A/N:Damn I didn't write them using phones at all lol finally they use it)

I was scrolling to social media then I felt a pat on my head I looked up and it was Jack he smiles at me and I smiled back he went around to sit with me He sat down beside me and I laid my head on his shoulder he gave me a little kiss on the head

Suddenly Felix barged in "HEY GUYS WANNA GO-"

Felix looked at us left and right he looked a little shock and he did a little evil grin

"Did you guys fucked yesterday.. " Felix asks

"WHAT NO...." I quickly reply

"Because you two looked suddenly close" he squinted his eye

Me and Jack looked at each other blushingly and quickly look away Felix laughed


"Shut the fuck up Felix" Jack cursed at him

"C,mon I'm not homophobic I support you both" Felix said

I sighed in relief then Felix looked at me again with a grin

"What...."I said

"Are you guys gonna y'know" He said doing a very appropriate hand gesture

"Oh fuck no were not soing 'that' again twice my ass already hurt like hell" I said

Felix laughed again and he sits down at another seat

"Anyways I bought food" He put down the plastic with full of snacks

"FINALLY SOME SNACKS IM CARVING FOR THEM" I shouted happily and pick up a chip

"Slow down M/N it's not like the food gonna run away..." Jack said

"Fuck it I'm hungry" I said

"Haha your always hungry M/N" Felix spoke

"Well I'm not like you, ya'll are heavy as fuck" I implied

"*gasp* you take that back" Felix gasp jokingly

"NOPE" I turn my head away

"But I'm not that damn heavy...." Jack said

"Well I mean you are...." Jack said

"SEE EVEN JACK AGREES" I said hugs Jack's hand

"JACK TOU BETRAYED ME..." cried Felix

"Oh you are very fucking heavy I remembered when you get drunk me and M/N had to carry you all the way inside the restaurant" Jack explained

I laughed so hard and Felix is apparently pouting his mouth like a child we all laughed and continued talking....

(A/N: sorry for the short chapter today I have been busy lately but hey I will still write hope you enjoy this chapter >:D )

♬♩♪♩𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚍(Hiatus)(Jack Walten x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now