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As the year past Me and Jack were happily married everyone came to the wedding my friends aunts and uncles except my parents but it's fine and also Jack family came too it was the best day of my life(A/N:CG babies :'D)

Then Jack and I bought a house and moved in also my little brother too but Jack didn't mind
But they are really close now like very he treated (B/N) like his own little brother and ofcourse I'm happy ever since we got married Mary has been bothering us a lot she would call Jack, messages him, came to  our house without us knowing and it annoyed the two of us

But usually we ignore here then the restaurant was getting great Jack and Felix has been getting a lot of customers and (B/N) also would help them around as for me I got a promotion on my job and I was happy and also my pet bunny Fluff really love her new house and she kinda dislike Jack a little she would bite him but I would always put her away from Jack

And right now I am at home doing my job while Jack and (B/N) go to the restaurant to do their job I was alone at home dying of boredom after done doing my work I went downstairs and pick up Fluff and sits on the couch I patted her thinking

"Should we adopt some children..." I spoke to myself

I really been thinking about it but I dont know if Jack would agree to adopt some children I sighed as I pick up the Television remote and open up some channels to watch some shows

(Jack's POV)
Me and (B/N) got home from the restaurant oh boy it was very busy today but me,Felix and (B/N) managed to handle it Anyways me and (B/N) get inside the house and we both saw M/N slept on the couch with his pet rabbit on his lap

"Hey Jack I'm gonna go to my room" (B/N) tapped my shoulder

"Oh yeah sure"I reply

(B/N) smiled and he went upstairs to his room I went in front of sleeping M/N but problem is Fluff is on his lap she is glaring at me I had no choice but too pick her up I pick the small rabbit and she biting me a little I quickly put her on the ground

Then the rabbit sassily walks away now my hands hurts I turned to M/N and Pick him up bridal style and brings him up to our bedroom he was snoring lightly I kissed his forehead and sets him down at the bed I pulled the blanket and tucks him in

I smiled at the cute male and slowly went out of the room I went downstairs to get myself a drink until I heard a knock and instead of going to the kitchen I went to open the door to see who is it I opened the door and it was Felix

"Hey Felix what are you doing here?" I ask

"Well to pay a visit at usual ofcourse" He smiled cheekily

I sighed and let Felix in He walks inside and went to sit at the couch and I joined him

"So how have you two doing??" Felix asks

"Oh me and M/N been doing very well!" I replied

"Did ya'll y'know" Felix repeatedly move his eyebrow up and down

"W-WHAT FELIX NO..." I blushed and playfully punch his head

"HAHAHAHAHA Ok,ok I was just messing with you" He laughed

"Anywayssss do you two have any other plans or something?" Felix asks again

"Well I really don't know actually me and M/N already got what we want..." I scratched my head

"Have you guys maybe thinking about adopting some kids??" Felix continued

"Hmmm come to think of it maybe me and M/N should adopt some children because M/N has been alone at home all the time I dont want him to be all the time even tho Fluff is always around...." I said

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