❤︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 6❤︎

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(TW: this chapter contains Smut so if you dont wanna burn your innocent eyes please go away from this chapter....)

(Still Jack's POV)

It's already 7:50 I'm trying to get ready to pick up M/N I combed my hair finishing up my clothes then I go out took my keys

I wore my shoes and took a jacket and went out to pick up M/N to the fair


I already done dressing up and now I'm currently waiting for Jack to pick me up and (B/N) will be fine my aunt will come and take care of him

So I waited looking at my phone and look up at the time it was 7:55 I sighed then I heard a car honk I quickly ran to the window to see who just for incase then It was Jack waiting

I quickly take my coat and (F/C) scarf wore my high heel looking boot (A/N:SLAYY) and got out ran to Jack's car I opened the door to the front passenger seat and got in

After closing the door Jack greeted "Hey"

"Hey..." I greeted back

Well that was a little awkward Jack smiled at me and He start to drive off I was looking at the car window enjoying the view of the town it is very beautiful at night

"Ahem....um so are you excited to go have fun?" Jack asks

"O-oh yeah I am I cant wait to buy some cotton candy maybe for on a fucking fun ride!" I replied to Jack's question

He chuckle I noticed it and turned away and blushed ok M/N calm down nothing will happen remember this is not a date it's just a hang out

Few minutes later were arrived at the fair the fair was beside the beach so the view is very beautiful I got out of the car excitedly then Jack got out and walk beside me

"So where should we-" I pulled Jack to the fair quickly before he could got speak a word

Then We were standing at the entrance me and Jack were panting

" *pants* why did you pull us M/N you we could've just walk" Jack complained

"Hehehe I was excited it's been a long time since I went to a fair" I giggled

Jack looked at me and his face turns red I was still giggling

"Ok let's go I wanna go buy some food!" I screamed and ran in

Jack sighed and followed me behind,after that I was searching for a cotton candy stand I look around like a hyperactive child

And there it was the cotton candy stand I quickly ran to the line to get one,then Jack arrived he grabbed my shoulder

"Damn you *pants* are really REALLY fast" Jack said

"Aw thx I am fast" I felt myself proud and pinched Jack cheeks

Then I realised Jack's cheeks and He rubbed it because I pinched it too hard then few seconds later I finally gonna get my cotton candy

"What flavour would you want?" Ask the person who worked at the cotton candy stand

"Can I have a (F/F) flavour" I said

"And how about you sir?" He asks Jack

"Maybe a strawberry flavour" Jack said

"Alrighty then that will be (random money range)" The person said and then Jack paid the cotton candy

(A/N:Idk how much is cotton candy in America so just put random money)

As I am watching how cotton candy was made I looked amazed when it the cotton candy formed
I turned around looking at Jack

And His face was turning red again I titled my head as confuse He saw me looking at him and he shakes his head and continued looking at the cotto candy

♬♩♪♩𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚍(Hiatus)(Jack Walten x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now