❤︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 2❤︎

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Suddenly a woman comes in she has a beautiful brown hair, nice brown eyes,a cute yellow clothing and a long skirt

She comes up to jack and hugs him "Ah M/N meet my girlfriend Mary" He greeted me to "Mary"

"Nice too meet you" I smiled

"Nice too meet you too" she smiled back

"So your the person the Felix been talking about" she asks

"Oh Felix talks stuff about me didnt expect that" I said nervously

"Yeah He told me and Jack all about you!" She cheerfully spoke

"Thats nic-" before I could continue Mary interupted

"Felix also said you moved here because of your younger brother is that right?" My both eyes widened when she mentioned that

"Mary!" Jack bumps his hand on her

"What..." Mary noticed I was frowning

"O-oh I didnt mean to mentioned it Im so sorry" She apologises

"I-its fine I'm just gonna go home" I answered and walks away

"M/N W-Wait!" Jack chases me from behind

I reached to the front door and ran up to my car "M/N wait please she didnt mean to!" Jack screamed from behind

I turned around and Jack was panting "please she didnt mean too!" He repeated

"I know its fine I just wanna go home...." I said

"P-please dont be upset I'll try something to lighten you up" Jack pleaded

"And how are you gonna do that?" I looked at him and raised one of my eyebrows

"Why dont you come here tomorrow around 9:00pm I'll invite Felix too" He offers

I looked at the man up and down crossing my arm "ok I'll come"
I agreed

"Great! You won't regret it" He smiled

"I think you should go bakc to your girl looks like she's peeking" I pointed

Jack turns around and saw Mary peeking from the window (A/N: dam mary you jealous)

"Yeah I guess I should go back to her" He sighed and ran back to her

I open the car door and went back home....

(Another Time skip im fucking lazy)

I arrived at home I put my coat away and the cat keys, I slowly walk to the couch and sits down I sighed looking around and looked at a cage

Inside the cage I have a pet rabbit (A/N:YES SURPIRISE A PET BUNNY MUAHAHAHHA) I got up again and opened the cage I picked up the rabbit

The rabbit's name is Fluff She is the sweetest bunny I brought her to the couch and sit back down I put her on my lap and groomed her

While grooming I was thinking about my little brother he had an accident few month ago and I had to take care of him and my parents....they just push him to me because they dont want to help him

My parents still gave me money but they never cared about me and my little brother I looked down at Fluff and Fluff looked back at me tilting her head I smiled

"Oh fluff how am I gonna gonna take care of my brother if I'm gonna be always busy...." I spoke to Fluff

And Fluff squeaks I rest my head on the couch still grooming the rabbit I kept thinking and thinking and thinking....

Then suddenly my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep with Fluff on my lap.....

After sometime it was midnight I noticed I fell asleep on my couch and I heard my phone rang I picked up up and it was the hospital that my little brother in

I pushed the answer button and puts the phone closer to my ear
"Hello doctor is there something I can help?" I asked

"Its about your little brother, (B/N) He is now better and I think he's ready to go home" The doctor answered

I was happy that my little brother is finally get to go back home I picked up fluff and put her back in the cage I took the car keys again and went to the hospital

After for some few hours of arrival I finally made it I get inside to the hospital and went to the front desk

"Hello sir How can I help you?" The receptionists ask

"Im here to pick up my brother (B/N)(L/N)" I answered

"Oh yes you must be the patient's brother ok hold on...." She said and continued tapping on the keyboard

I looked around the hospital iys very busy tonight like very

"Sir you know may your brother up now!" She continued

"Thank you..." I said she nodded and I walk to the patients room

I knocked on the door and there he was my little 5 year old brother He almost looks exacy like my Mother (H/C), (E/C) and

"Hey there (B/N) are you ready to go home?" I asked him

He looked at me smiling cheerfully "yup! Im excited to come home!" He spoke

"You wanna walk or carry you?" I asks

"I want you to carry me" said he squeked

I chuckled and picked him up and carries him like a baby,He was holding a teddy bear tightly it was a gift from my Grandfather He has been carrying that teddy bear since little I wouldnt dare to take it away

Anyways I walk out of the room and the doctor who took care of my brother was waiting for me

"Hey there kid your finally going home" He congratulate

"Yeah doc thanks for taking care of him" I thanked him

"Well it was nothing thank god he didnt brake any bones just a slight cut at his leg you have becareful with, right little dude" the doctor smiled at (B/N)

My brother turns his head and nodded "welp doc now imma take this strong boy back home see you next time doc" I said

"Ofcourse see you next time!" He waved and (B/N) waved back

We walked out of the hospital I opened the car passenger door and put (B/N) on the seat I closed the door

I walk around the car and got in then I started the car and drove us back to the house...

(A/N:hope ya'll enjoy this chapter yes you guys now have a little brother to take care and I am guarantee that the brother gonna hear unholy shit in a few chapter maybe

(1077 words)

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