❤︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4❤︎

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(TW:This chapter maybe has a little angst)
(3rd POV)
M/N was eating breakfast with his little brother they were eating waffles that M/N made himself

(B/N) little brother finished his food and left the plates at the table, (B/N) went to pick up fluff and brings her to the couch

M/N examined his little brother he looked a little bored and lonely M/N sighed he picked up both of the plate and started to wash them

After you done cleaning M/N were brainstorming for ideas to make his little brother less bored He finally got an idea maybe they could go to bon's burger maybe M/N could make some friends there too

M/N quickly went upstair too weat a long sleeved clothe and some leggings M/N went back downstairs and walks infront of his little brother

"Hey little dude you wanna go somewhere fun?" He asked (B/N)

The childs eyes started to shine at the offer and (B/N) nodded happily M/N smiled how happy is his little brother

"Ok before we go lets get you change" M/N said and picks his little brother up

After for sometime M/N already done changing his little brothers clothes and M/N carries (B/N) to the car

He put the little child at the front passenger seat and closes the door M/N went to the other side and gets inside the car and starts it

Me and my little brother arrived at the restaurant I got out of the car and went to go carry my little brother

I opened the door he already put his hands up for a lift and I picked him up,After that we went in and I started to search for a seat it was very crowded

"Fuck..." I cursed under my breath

"What's wrong?" Ask My little brother

"Its nothing the palce is a little crowded we just have to go search a seat to sit" I said

My brother nodded and continued to look around while im carrying him Then a person come

He has blonde hair and brown eyes he also wore a security guard uniform
(A/N:idk wtf is Brians eye color)

His name tag said Brian Stell and He started to speak

"Hey there are you searching for a seat?" He asks

"O-oh yeah I really wanna find a seat its really tiring standing while carrying a child hehehhe" I said embarrassingly

"Ah, I saw a free seat right in there somewhere I'll lead it to you" He pointed to the seat area with his thumb

"Oh thanks!" I Thanked

I followes the man every corner with full of people and we finally arrived at the seat I sat down I nodded for a thank you and He nodded back

The security guard walks away I put my brother down beside me we took the menu and choose our food

My little brother chose a small burger and a apple juice and I ordered a large fries and some coke a waitress came and we told our order she writes it down and went to the kitchen

I looked down at the child he looked bored I felt a bit sad for that and said

"Hey...you wanna go play at the kids area?" I pointed out

He looked down and nodded I sighed

"Ok lets go" I said and grabbed his hand

We arrived at the play area I dropped him off and he walks in I watch him slowly walking around seeing left and right and suddenly he followed the herd of kids and played together

♬♩♪♩𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚍(Hiatus)(Jack Walten x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now