❤︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 3❤︎

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(Jack's POV)
It was around 9:00pm me and Felix are waiting for M/N so we could go out have a drink,Then suddenly Felix started to whine

"When will M/N gonna come...."

"Maybe He's a little late" I answered the whining man

Then we both saw M/N car parked at the parking lot, He got out and walks towards us

"Hey im here sorry for being late I was searching a baby sitter for my little brother" M/N scratches his head

"Its fine your right on time" I said

M/N face was a little red and He trying to speak

"W-well where are we going?" He asks nervously


"Oh the bar?" M/N looked at me

"Y-yeah were actually wanna get a drink and maybe hangout a little...." I stutteres a little

"Ok one question where is the bar?" M/N asked

"Oh its not that far so we gonna go walk there" I spoke out

"Oh ok then...let's go" M/N said and we all started walking

We arrived at the bar we went in and settled down, Me,Felix and M/N chatted a little while picking out drinks in the Menu

After that a waiter came and ask us for oir drink I ordered a beer and Felix Ordered an Alcohol ofcourse (A/N: Felix ypu better not kill somebody again...)

Lastly M/N ordered a (F/D),The waiter nodded and went back into the kicthen

"Hey M/N I heatd your brother got realeased from the hospital" Felix said to M/N

"Oh yeah The doc said his bones are fine he just have some bruises all over his body but he's still fine" M/N explained

"So you have a little brother do you have other siblings?" I asked M/N another question

M/N looked at me his expression quickly changed to a sad face and started to fidgeting his hands

"Well I do have a older sistee but she died from the car crash..." He answered

"O-oh im sorry M/N I was curious" I quickly apologised

"Its fine atleast she's at a better place" M/N said

I felt bad for him then Felix tries to lighten up the mood and changes into a different topic

"um...M/N how is your pet rabbit fluff?" Felix asks again

"Oh fluff she's doing fine well she kinda started to be naughty..." M/N giggled

"You have a pet rabbit??" I asked with a interested tone

"Yeah she's very fluffy thats why I names her fluff" M/N explained

After for some minutes of chatting the Waiter finally come and gave us our drinks

The waiter set them down and all three of us took the drink that we ordered and drink them

(Few hours later...)
Right now Felix is drunk, Me and M/N are still stable Felix started to speak weird things and crying quickly

Me and M/N laughed at Felix hows his expression kept changing over the second, It was a bit late so Me and M/N agrees to go home and now I have to carry Felix back to his car but I decided to bring him into his office

M/N insists to buy our drinks and after paying we both went out of the bar and went back to my restaurant...awhile later all three of us arrived and Felix is still drunk

I asked M/N to carry Felix and M/N agreed He carried Felix I took the restaurant front door key and we both carries Felix into his Office and let him sleep there

We both went out of the restaurant and M/N come closer to me

"Hey thanks for inviting me for a drink..." M/N thanked

"It was nothing I wanted to make you feel better after what my girlfriend said to you" I said

M/N smiled and I smiled back we both stared at each other for a little longer and notices, and we quicklt turned into a different direction my face was red and I slowly peeked at M/N and his face was also turning red

"I-I should get going Um...BYE!" M/N said and gets inside his car and drove away

I stood there having a little mixed feeling what just had happened and I shaked my head and went into my car and drove back home....

(A/N: heyya hope enjoying this chapter sorry for this short chapter I also forgot to mentioned this Au i made is kinda in modern days so like Iphone and stuff existvin this timeline soo that just I wantes to sah hope you guys have a good day/night!)

(810 words)


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