Chapter Four

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Five Days Later

My limbs were weary. My skin ached, dark bruises blossomed along my thighs and arms. Red torrents of dried blood ran down my legs. I couldn't accept this. I wasn't able to.

I was not raped.

I was not kidnapped.

It was a dream, a nightmare, it had to be.

I stared at the door. Cracked wood rotted along the hinges. That door could be my only escape.

Refusing to feel the pain the pounded through my body, I gritted my teeth, crawling to the door.


I was still naked.

Trembling fingers gathered the folds of fabric, loosely tuging them over my form. I turned back. My legs quaked, fearful to open the door. I twisted the handle; it swung open to reveal stone steps. I sighed, disbelieving of my luck. I took steady treads up the stairs, always looking down so as not to stumble. 

I reached the top. There was another fucking door. Carefully, I turned the old knob. It was locked.

I lost it.

I sobbed against the wood, pounding my small fists against the vast frame.

"Help!  Somebody please!  Anyone!  Help me!  I'm going to die down here!"  I cried hysterically, my mind lost to desperation.

The door was wrenched open and I fell forwards into a hot chest. I stayed quiet, unmoving. A heartbeat thumped by my ear. I lifted my gaze, expecting to see the lustful blue of Nick's gaze glaring down at me. A deep brown pair of eyes returned my stare.

It was Ian.

I cringed away from him, but he held me close and lifted my body over his shoulder. Shocked, I fisted his shirt, trying to pull myself down.

Where was he taking me? Was he planning to rape me, as Nick had every fucking night? My thoughts tasted bitter and stale, like they had been forgotten and left out to mold.

I was thrown down on a soft cushion, my hand hitting against flesh. Nick sat next to me, his mouth agape with surprise.

"What is this filthy thing doing pounding on the basement door this fucking early in the morning, Nick! "  Ian growled.

I bit my lip, restraining angry tears. Filthy thing?

Nick sputtered, flustered by his sudden awakening. 

" I don't know!  What the fuck, man."  Nick shifted his body to me.  "What are you doing upstairs, Schuyler? I wasn't going to see you until tonight."  A sly sneer contorted his lips.  "Unless you wanted to get started now, babe."  

I gave an involuntary shudder. A hard slap encountered my cheek. i touched the stinging river of skin, glancing at the inflicter. Ian fumed above me.

"Answer me. Whore."

I averted my gaze from Ian, something to the right of him, catching my attention. A corner of a window peeked from behind the hallway. A window in the kitchen.

I answered Ian, a tremble wavering my voice. 

"I - I was just hungry." 

The pair of them scruntinized my lie, wrinkling their brows.

"I could make breakfast for you guys. Please. I would only have a little if you wanted me to."  I fought to keep the current of exhiliration from affecting my voice. 

Nick nodded, while Ian rolled his eyes in intense exasperation.

"Whatever. I don't give a shit, just don't fuck it up."  Ian muttered, sauntering off to, what I assumed was, his bedroom.

My heart leapt, turning in dizzying beats inside my chest. Cautiously, I tread to the kitchen, glancing at Nick to see if he was watching me. Relief escaped my breath. A quiet squeak of the window's hinges was muted by my cough. 

Climbing to the counter, I pushed past the bruning pain and slipped through the window. The small of my back scraped the metal edge, and I felt a wet heat spreading through my shirt. Clenching my jaw, I leapt to the paved ground.

My ankles absorbed most of the impact, and pain splintered through them with each step down the alleyway. Now all I had to do was run.

***** Hi babes. Actually I don't know how many people are actually reading this. Hashtag AWKS. But it would mean a lot if anyone somebody please I'm dying here would vote or comment. This probs sounds repetitive but LEGIT I'd like one vote. That would be nice. And I know I know still no One Direction but next chapter SWEAR TO GOD they are there... Well some of them. Okray babes, that's all.

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