Chapter 10

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After some days you went your last school days before the school holidays.

While you were in your Pause you saw how three girls were bullying one girl.

„Don't you have money to buy nicer clothes? How pitiful." one of them said and slammed the poor girls head on the wall.

That was it before you raged.

You were alone today at school because the other girls were ill.

„Hey! Let this girls alone!" you shouted to them.

Now their attention turned to you.

„Huh? And who are you?" asked the middle one.

„She is the Vice President of [your gang]. But I don't think she can do anything." the girl behind her said and all of them laughed.

„Don't talk with your mouth that wide open. Anyways I won't tell you that again, let that girl alone and mind your own business!" you told them but they didn't listen.

Maybe you were showing confidence on the outside. But you were afraid that you were embarrassing yourself right now. Even if you were protecting a girl from bullying.

„Just go away and don't talk to us. I am just trying to tell her to buy more stylish clothes." she replied.

„Well it doesn't look like that. Maybe she doesn't want your advice." you told her.

„You slut. Just shut up and go away before something worse will happen to you!" she threatened you.

That's it. You hate it when people talk with a big mouth without something behind it.

So you made some step forward.

„So what? Go. Show me what you can!" you told her.

„HAHHAHAHA look at her! How pathetic! She wants to beat me? Hey you should know that one of my friends is in a gang too! So I know how to fight!" the girl tried to make you uncomfortable but it didn't work.

When the girl saw that she tried to punch you.

But the punch didn't landed, because you dodged it and then you slammed your fist in her face. So she backed away and held her nose.

It was bleeding.

„Your little bitch. I will show you the consequences of that." she said looking at you with an murderous look.

„Blah blah blah. Can you once shut up?" you asked her looking bored.

She then turned away and the girls helped her.

After they went a bit away you turned your attention to the girl behind you.

„Are you okay? She slammed your head very hard on the wall you know." you asked her.

„yeah I am okay. Thank you. Which grade to you go?" She asked you.

„Uhm I go to the [your grade]. Why?" you asked her and the girl looked shocked.

„Oh sorry! I am really thankful for your help senpai!" she bowed down.

„Huh? Haha. Don't worry stand up it's okay believe me." you comforted her.

„I would never thought that you were this old. I thought you would be younger than me." the girl said.

„Yeah I know everyone says that." you told he shrugging your shoulders.

„Thank you really much senpai, but I have to go know to my next class. Have a nice day bye!" The girl waved and went away.

What I nice girl.....


After some time you went out of the school too.

I kinda miss my friends. When will those bitches come back again wah.

You cried out while going home.

Then your attention to those people infront of you.

A gang.

Why does it happen always to me?

„Hey you! I heard that you punched on of my friends. That was a mistake. So let me teach you a lesson." a guy said standing with some other guys.

That little jerk didn't show up how pathetic.

You didn't say anything to them. You hate to talk to a male.

The black dragons members were an exception.

„You aren't a talker one I see. How can a little fry like you be a Vice President of a really strong gang?" the guy asked and stood infront of you.

Out of annoyance you slammed your feet in his stomach.

„Ah-" the guy fell down on his knees.

„Well it has a reason, hasn't it?" you said and slowly beating up the guys.

After some time you realize that they were using dirty tricks.

While you were dodging one of the guys, you get a broomstick slammed on your head.

Your concentration wasn't based on those guys anymore so you got many punches from them.

Ah shit

But then you heard many screams and you felt that you didn't got a punch anymore.

You were confused.

You saw how Keizo beaten up five of them at once.

„Huh?? The black dragons duo is here run guys!" one of them shouted and most of them run away.

You looked behind and saw how Wakasa was defending you.

„Tch. Hitting a girl with such dirty tricks. You aren't any guys that you can call a man." wakasa said and stood infront of the beaten guys.

„W-were sorry w-we won't do it again!" they guys said and ran all away.

„Hahah look what crybabies there are waka!" benkei laughed his ass off.

„Yeah." Wakasa laughed a bit and then turned his attention to you.

„Are you okay?" he asked and gave you his hand.

„Huh? Ah yes haha." you said and Held on his hand.

„Thank you guys...." you mumbled.

„Wait are stubborn Person can say thank you?" Wakasa asked.

„Wait what! An Emo can help?" you annoyed him.

„Tch. Look who is beaten up!" he said and pointed his finger at you.

„Maybe they were using dirty tricks as you said." you said and giggled.

Wakasa Stopped from protesting and looked at you unbelievable.

What a beautiful laugh.... He thought.

„Well hello Y/n-Chan!" said benkei.

„Hello benkei what's up?" you asked.

„Nothing really. Where are the others?" he asked.

„They are all ill. So I am alone." you told him.

„Hmm? Do you wanna hang out with us?" he asked and looking at Wakasa.

„I don't mind it." Wakasa said and looked away.

„So what do you say?" benkei asked.

„Hm... I don't have anything to do. So why not I guess!" you Replied.

„Great than Let's go!" benkei said and you all were going.

How will it be to hang out with the strongest duo?

~to be continued~

Hello guys I hope you liked this chapter. This one gotten really long lmao. So have Alice day bye bye 👋🥰

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