Chapter 13

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„How many rooms do you have?" Benkei asked.

„Well we have 2 rooms for guests......" takeomi shyly said.

„2 ROOMS!" Everyone yelled out.

„Pshhhh. My siblings are sleeping Damn." he sighed.

„How will we make it?" asked shinichiro.

„Oh and in everyroom should be two beds." takeomi said.

„So one of us has to sleep on the couch." you mentioned and Everyone looked at benkei.

„Why me???" he whined out.

„because nobody would like to here you snoring." Wakasa answered.

„Ufff okay." benkei admitted his defeat and made his way to the couch.

„Y/n I won't sleep with you either!" himari said.

„Huh? Why not?" you asked her confused.

„Because you don't let me sleep. You don't go to sleep now? Do you? And I am tired as fuck." she replied.

„So with who will you sleep then?" You asked.

„With shinichiro if it's okay." himari answered.

Suddenly shinichiro went red.

„Uhh... yeah! Sure!" The black haired boy replied.

And then you realized it.

I will sleep in a room with Wakasa imaushi......

you yelled from the inside.

„So waka we will-" you wanted to speak till the end.

„Yeah whatever come on!" he went upstairs that fast.

„Lucky you!" himari whispered in your ear.

„Shut up!" you scolded her and ran after Wakasa.

Then you saw how waka was looking in the room.

„What wrong?" You asked.

„We have to share a bed...." he mumbled hopelessly.

„Omg. Please be joking." you begged and then you saw it with your own eyes.

„Takeomi you bastard! I thought here would be two beds!" Wakasa scolded at him.

„Well in our room there are two beds....." shinichiro laughed slightly.

„Shin shut up before I kick your ass!" waka yelled at him.

„Oh sorry. I thought we had two. Anyways it won't be a big deal anyways so good night." and with that akashi went to sleep.

„it can't be helped. Let's go to sleep waka." you told the boy.

„Okay." he just mumbled.


After some time you two finally got into the bed.

But of course it was you.

You hate to sleep.

So you took your phone out and scrolled the whole time.

If it would be Wakasa he of course recognized the lights.

„So she wasn't lying." he mumbled.

„Y/n it's already 2am, don't you think about going to sleep.? You have already eyebags." he asked.

„I usually go to sleep at 4 am, so it won't be a big deal yawww." he could hear from your voice that you were sleepy.

So he sighed and took your phone away from you.

„Hey give it back!" you yelled at him and tried to reach it.

As you wanted to do it. He hugged you, so you can't get out of his grip.

„Ehhh... waka....?" you asked and it started to get warm for you.

„If I would say it again then it wouldn't work. So try to sleep now." he ordered and hugged you.

How should I sleep when someone like you hug me?

„But I don't want to." you told him.

„Why?" he asked.

„Because I do overthink then. And now I would think about what happened with you today." you replied.

„But it was my choice and I wanted to protect you Y/n. You are someone special to me. So please don't think like That." he said with his sleepy voice.

„Waka-kun..... I think you are someone special to me too...." you told him and you dozed off to sleep.

„Y/n I love you....." the boy finally said it.

But he didn't get an answer.

„Huh? Y/n?" he asked with no reply.

He then looked at the girl and saw that she has fallen asleep.

„Dumb girl. You just said earlier that you aren't tired and now look at you. Anyways, have nice dreams." he told the girl and went to sleep likewise.


In the Morning you woke up. Beside you was empty again.

„Huh? Waka?" you asked.

Then someone came inside. It was himari.

„Waka, Benkei and Shin went off. They had to go to work. Akashi Went to school to bring his siblings, so we are alone. Let's go home and you will tell me everything." she told you.

„Uhm okay. Then let's go. I wish waka would have stayed he for a little longer....." you mumbled and got up.  

After that you two went home and you told her everything what happened in the bed.

„So it was a Good idea to meet up with the guys hehe." she said proudly.  

„Yeah thank you. I think I will pay a visit to Wakasas gym later." you told her.

~to be continued~

hello guys I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you for 2,1k reads. You all are amazing! So have a Good day bye bye 👋🥰

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