Chapter 17

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You woke up by the sun.

You felt that you were sleeping on a comfy bed.

When you opened your eyes slowly, you realized that you were on himaris bed.

Huh? Wasn't I babysitting at shinichiros house?

„Oh I see! You're awake!" a voice came from the door.

It was himari.

„Did I forgot that we went home?" you asked her,

„No, you fallen asleep last night. Waka brought you here." she replied and you went red.

„Bruh." you mumbled.

„I don't think it was embarrassing. He is your husband after all." she teased you.

„Tsk, shut up. What is the time right now?" you asked her a bit confused.

„It's still a bit early. 10am for you." she told you.

„At least not at 1pm....." you said.

„Yeah. Anyways we have a lot of things to do. We will fight the blue stones today. They agreed to our war." himari explained.

„So [your gang] against blue stones?" you asked and she nodded.

„Let's get ready and then meet the others." she said and you stood finally up.

You two eat breakfast together and put on your gang clothes.

For your safety you take a poket knife with you.

„Let's go. We will ride with my bike." himari said and you two drove away then.


After some time you came to the fighting place.

It was a old Parking lot.

You and himari didn't go inside right away. You two firstly waited at Sara and aoi.

As they came you all discussed, while the other members came one by one.

„So guys we have to win this. Even if they have a lot of members, we could make it. I will try to take out the boss. Y/n, you will protect me on the way, so we will stand together the whole time. Aoi, if anyone gets hardly injured, then I want you to treat them. And Sara, help the others and command everyone who doesn't know what to do." himari commanded all of you what to do.

„Yes!" you three answered and went to your positions.

Then you all went to the parking lot inside.

Blue stones and [your gang] were now standing at each other.

Then suddenly someone came infront of you all.

It was the leader.


„My, my. You all came. Too much confidence have y'all?" he applauded and laughed a bit like the others.

„Don't play with us. We can destroy you all." himari said and looked at him pissed.

You knew really well that she was still pissed about the abduction of you.

„Awww. Are you threatening us? You all are fools. Oh- hey Y/n-Chan how are you? Why did you leave us so early? Did your white leopard came to save you?" he talked to you and you went a bit in shock.

He could read your reactions.

„Do you still believe that the relationship between you and him won't be heard? Pathetic." he laughed at you.

You felt a bit embarrassed but also a bit strange.

Somehow you could sense that something bad will happen.

What are your plans ryu?
You thought.

„Oh shut up. You aren't better." Himari defended you.

„Anyways let's start the fight." she yelled and then everyone started to attack.

As himari told you, you went after her.

While she was running you protected her as a shield.

Everyone who tried to attack himari was getting a punch of you.

But it didn't last like that.

Somehow you realized that the guys tried to attack you in once.

So ten people were attacking you in once.

You stopped on your tracks and didn't follow himari anymore.

Those bastards.

„Kill her!" those guys yelled and ran up to you.

You quickly dodged some kicks but also punched some kicks away.

It was very stressful.

On your eyesight you saw how himari was trying to defend herself from the enemies.

Infront of her was standing ryu.

Is he perhaps trying to kill himari?

You went in panic.

You were afraid.

What if she dies?

You didn't do anything.

„Aoi! Go to himari quick!" you yelled at the girl.

„I'm sorry I can't! Somehow I can't get near to himari." she told you.

Is it all a trap? Right! If he kills himari, than it means that this all is over.

I must save her!

As you thought about it you landed a punch on your face.

You flew a bit away.

You licked you lips and felt some blood.

Blood was going down of your nose.

You somehow got pissed about it.

„Weak woman hahah." those guys laughed and that made you more piss off.

You slowly stood up and looked at them with a darkly glare.

They then stopped laughing.

„Is that so? Play time is over I guess." as you said it you rushed in a incredible speed to those guys and one punched them all.

Some attentions went up to you.

„Huh? She beat up 15 guys at once! What a monster!" the one screamed and some of them feared of you.

„Y/n! Don't let it overcome you!" Sara yelled at you.

She couldn't went up to you because she gets also attacked all the time.

But you knew what she meant.

You somehow get the energy to kill someone because of your panic attacks.

You fell your dark side.

A power.

As you turned then to himari, you saw that she got stabbed from ryu.

Himari was held by two guys left and right, so she hadn't the change to defend herself.

She got stabbed right in her abdomen.

That was it.

You raged.

~to be continued~

Hello guys I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's a bit harsh but still good hehe. Follow me on TikTok my name there is http_senjuu. Have a good day bye bye 👋🥰

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