Chapter 34

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You slowly got woken up by the lights.

„Ugh. What happened?" you mumbled out while your eyes were half closed.

Your sight was kinda blurry but still, you weren't tired.

When your sight got clear you saw that it was already daylight.

What time is it?

You looked at your phone.

It was already 11am.

That's early lol.

Suddenly you got a flashback from last night.

You remembered everything again.

„How embarrassing omg!!!"'you clasped your hand on your eyes out of embarrassment.

At least we didn't fuck, DID WE?!

You immediately looked under the blanket.

You sighed out when you saw that you had your clothes on.

Some seconds later your phone vibrated.

Why is himari calling me?

„Hello?" you picked up the phone.

„Good morning! I just wanted to remind you about the fight today." she explained.

„Fight? What fig- OHHHHH I REMEMBER! Thanks." you told her.

„Okay my job is done. See you later!" with that she hung up.

And I thought how quiet this day will be.

Then you stood up from your bed and made yourself ready for everything today.


After some hours you had your uniform on and waited for himari to come.

Later you finally saw himari coming with her motorcycle.

„How come that you are late?" you asked her.

„Shut up. I telephoned with shin a bit." she admitted and got a bit red.

„AHA I KNEW IT!" you teased her.

„WHAT NO! We just talked a bit okay. Anyways hop on." she commanded and you went up there while laughing your ass off.


The whole gang was already at the meeting place.

You and himari were the only ones who weren't there.


„So today is the battle! Don't worry guys. We hope that it won't end like last time. We will fight smarter and stronger. So I Hope you can trust us! And the black dragons are also with us! I don't have much to say anymore so be safe and thank you for everyone who is joining this fight. Without you all we couldn't make it that far!" Himari yelled at the crowd and they screamed proudly back.

You then saw from the corner that the black dragons finally came too.

„how are you feeling?" wakasa asked you.

„I feel okay I guess. I hope that nothing bad will happen." you told him and he watched your form.

Suddenly you felt someone hugging you from behind.

„Don't worry. I am also here. Remember?" he whispered to you and then kissed your cheek.

You got quite flustered.

He just smirked and let go of you.

„let's go guys! A win is waiting for us." Himari yelled at the crowd and so you all made your way to the battlefield.


This time you drove with Wakasa.

You already saw the gang when you arrived.

„Shinzugawa...." you muttered out and watched the most of them closely.

There were also girls this time.

That doesn't happen quite often.

And then the three gangs stood to each other.

Black dragons and [your gang] stood beside each other.

The captains were all at the front.

Shinzugawas captains were 4 boys and 3 girls. But most of the members were boys of course.

„Welcome black dragons and [your gang]. It's finally time to destroy you two." a boy spoke up.

„You sure? You messed with the wrong people." Himari just rolled her eyes.

„Confident as I see. Let's see if it will contain after the match." he laughed and the other just smirked.

„Can't we just settle it peacefully? What is your problem with [gang name]?" shinichiro asked.

„Shin, they are just crazy people. It won't help if you ask them like this." wakasa told him.

„Yes 'shin' he is right. We are crazy. Crazy to kill you! We don't like [your gang] because they are taking the lead everywhere! And it annoys the hell out of us! But don't think you are safe! We also came here to destroy black dragons too of course!" that guys replied and gave you some goosebumps.

„you fucking maniac....." himari muttered out and you knew that she was angry.

Angry about people like him that they think they are better then anyone else.

„aww sweetie. Looks like we hit a nerve of yours." one of the girls said.

„Haha yeah. Let's break some of her bones so she can't fight anymore <3." one of the others girls said.

„Are you sure that you are the one who will break some bones?" you asked her while cracking your fingers.

„Who do you think you are huh?!" she asked and was about to attack you.

„Your biggest nightmare." you replied and smirked.

„Okay let's stop talking already. GUYS ATTACK!" the guy yelled and also your gangs started to run.

So the fight has begun.

Black dragons and [your gang] vs Shinzugawa.

How will it end?

~to be continued~

Hello guys I hope you liked this chapter. I know now how to end the story somehow but I also know that I won't remember that anymore after 1 week haha. So have a nice day bye bye 👋🥰

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