Chapter 20

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You woke up from your sleep.

But you couldn't move nor open your eyes.

Your head hurts.

The fuck happened. You thought while thinking about yesterday.

And then you remembered about himari. 

Then you heard someone talking from the other room.

„Yeah.... She's asleep." the persons says. It looks like that the person was phoning.

You somehow could recognize the voice.

It was Wakasas.

You then opened your eyes and tried to stand up.

„Oh. She's awake. I will call you tomorrow benkei." and with that he put the phone away while looking at your from his doorframe.

„What happened?" you asked him.

„You passed out. You insisted to come to my place but then you fell asleep." he explained coming near to you.

When you looked at you.

You saw that you hadn't your uniform on. Instead you had a T-shirt and pants on.

„Did you change me?" you asked a bit embarrassed.

„Yeah but I didn't do anything." he replied looking away.

The worst case happened....

But then you felt his palm touching your forehead.

„You still have some fever..." he mumbled.

Wait. I am ill?

You were a bit confused.

„But I don't fell any fever..." you told him.

„Maybe you just ignored it. Because you were to much worried about himari." he explained and he wasn't wrong either.

Since that action, you couldn't think about something else.

You felt beaten up from the inside.

„Wait here." waka said and rushed to the kitchen.

After a Second he came back with some pills.

„For what are they?" you asked.

„For your fever. You will feel better after this." he told you and you believed him.

„Okay. I will try them..." you mumbled and he gave you then the pills.

You swallowed them down.

They were just 2.

„What time is it?" you asked.

„It's 2 am." he replied.

And then you felt your head getting dizzy.

„Waka..." you mumbled out and you felt your body getting weaker.

You were about to fall at the side, but Wakasa caught you and put you gently in his bed.

„Sorry. But the pills are working really hard on you as I see. Because they are making a person more sleepy. So Good Night princess." and with these words of Wakasa you felt asleep again.


You then woke up again.

You didn't feel that exhausted anymore.

You looked at your side but nobody was there.

But then you heard someone coming in the room. And of course it was Wakasa.

It looked like that he had taken a shower because his hair was still wet.

He then turned his side to you.

„Oh. Your awake!" he said taking out some water.

„What time is it?" you asked him again.

„Well. Right now it is 11am." he replied.

I never slept that long...
Anyways I am hungry.

„Hey waka?" you asked.

„Hm?" he replied looking at you.

„Can we eat something?" you asked him and you didn't care what he will think about This.

„Yeah sure! You can use this house as yours and go brush your hair it looks like a hurricane." waka told you and went upstairs.

„You Little piece of-" you wanted to continue but you got interrupted.

„No cursing in my house." he teased you and made you angrier.

Okay y/n. You are better than him. He just wants to make you angry. And if you aren't angry, then he will be angry.

You thought while staying up.

And as he said you really brushed your hair.

He wasn't wrong at all.

Your hair was a mess. But of course you slept long.

After that you went upstairs and you saw that waka made a Japanese breakfast.

„Wow!" you were stunned about it.

„Never eaten something like that?" waka asked.

„No.... I usually eat from [countries] food." you replied.

„So does it taste?" he then asked.

„Yeah definitely!" you replied happily.

She even looks beautiful while eating like she didn't eat for 100 years. Wakasa thought smirking at you.

When you noticed it you directly asked him.

„Why are you looking at me like that?" you asked a bit nervous.

„Because you should try to eat something healthy to gain your strength. Let's go to the police station after you ate." waka replied, he couldn't say to you that you look beautiful. That's not his character.

„Tch. Sorry that I'm not a skinny bitch but anyways, why Police Station?" you asked confused.

„So we can see ray....." he told you.

„Oh right, yeah. Okay I will eat faster." you told him and really did it.

~to be continued~

Hello guys I hope you liked this chapter. I read my own story again because I loved it so much than the others hehe. So have a nice day bye bye 👋🥰

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