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A/N Hello again! I couldn't keep to my own promise and wrote this paragraph despite not seeing the Secrets of Dumbledore. Once I've watched the film there may be spoiler warnings but for now, here's the first chapter. If you have not read my other two fanfics I would recommend it for context but you can fill in the gaps. These are the key themes
- Leta lived
- Queenie came back
- Credence is now back on the good side but still a flight risk
- We start this book in an Indian rainforest after Newt and Tina left to travel the world (all couples bar Nagini and Credence are now married)

Now, let's get to it and I hope you enjoy the final story.

The sun was starting to set as Tina picked her way through the dense assortment of fauna, walking through every kind of flower while she and the other auror walked back to the shack that doubled as the local law enforcement. Five months of travelling worldwide had brought herself and Newt to the rainforests of Assam, aiding a group consisting of four men that protected and enforced the law in the surrounding villages. There wasnt many living in the miles of dense rainforest but where the villages had sprung up in the occasional clearings the small group's job was not going well. There was some religious tension and previous incidents with the Aurors had left people untrusting and suspicious. Due to their small size, they worked regularly with the No Maj enforcers, even sharing a workspace. So people being unwilling to report potentially magic disturbances had become an even greater problem as it fell to the semi suspicious no maj.

Thankfully, the villages were quite cohesive groups of Magic and non-magic people. They were all taught from a young age that some people had gifts and some didn't but neither was a threat to the other. Merely just people. The main problem came from encroaching foreigners as well as villages growing disproportionately so Tina had been wandering through the dense forests with the wizards, often just with one other, to different villages to try and mend the fractured relationships. They had previously been in Egypt prior to the assignment, her helping the ministry in manpower to try and combat pickpocketing and other petty crimes while Newt went with the beast's department to work with some Sphinxes who had caught an illness meaning that their riddles were no longer solvable.
"How's Mr Scamander then?" Auror Chauhan asked as he jumped over a log. Infinitely glad her translation charms were still holding strong she shot him a grin and replied in a language that matched his own
"Probably running around the forest chasing Wyverns"
Or charming the socks off everyone
The auror gave a loud boyish chuckle as they continued onward. Chauhan was her favourite auror to be paired up with. He was slightly younger than her but held a quality that made him seem like a teenager, down to his lanky body and wide, shining grin. The other wizards called him 'Ladaka' and he took it in his stride.

After another five minutes of stomping, they reached the clearing that was central to the entire Southern area. Everyone called the village Kendreey and it was in a circular configuration. At the centre of it all was a communal area where the women tended to work, cook and mend and barefooted children ran about watched over by elders. Surrounding the clearing were huts, and cottages and one section was a herb and vegetable garden. The buildings were all one story and the one used by the Aurors and No Maj workers consisted of one main room, two cells and then a room that could be used for them to sleep as the cells could not be left full and unattended. Chauhan bobbed his head in parting and he waved cheerfully as he disappeared. Tina gave a quick scan of the other buildings to see Newt perched on a log watching the children run about at breakneck speeds as they kicked a ball between one another. Aiming for a goal they had set up between two buckets just beside Newt's perch. As she got closer she could hear him talking to the little boy that she would put around eight that had been put as the keeper.

Unlike her Hindi, which was coming out jilted and staggered as the spell translated her words, his was flowing in his usual soothing lilt. Though there was a very good reason for it as he had a habit of picking up languages and within three days of them arriving in Assam he was talking pleasantries with the elderly. As her sandals scuffed against the earth he looked up and gave her that lopsided grin that she had fallen head over heels for nearly two years ago. He said something to the boy that made him scoff and then giggle slightly before he lunged for the ball that had come soaring over. Newt nimbly leapt to his feet then walked over to her, greeting her with a sweet kiss.
"Hello" He murmured against her and she laughed breathlessly, tipping their foreheads together
Once they had spent long enough holding one another they separated and began to walk to the path on the other side of the clearing. As they began to stroll he turned his head towards her
"So, how has your day been?"
"Kinda normal. There was a bit of a fight going on between some farmers and Chauhan did not stop talking the entire way there. I didn't know there were that many different names for plants"
He laughed again and replied
"I thought you were rather well versed in that department?"
He wasn't wrong. She had spent a large part of her free time since they set off tending to her garden which had grown exponentially with flowers and plants from all over the world.
"Yeah but I call 'em one thing, and don't tend to go round sniffing 'em"
"Fair point" He stepped aside to let her down the rocky path first then they walked a few more feet to where the case was sat underneath a disillusion charm beside a burnt-out campfire.

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