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Scamander manor was bitter cold as they reappeared. The morning frost hadn't melted yet and the sudden temperature change caused him to inhale sharply in shock. However, it was nothing on Tina's reaction, which he viewed by the light of his wand, who promptly bent double and threw up what remained of her breakfast. Instantly he tried to pull Tina's slightly longer hair away from her face as she heaved again, letting out a groan as she tried to steady herself against his leg. She gave one last heave then remained staring at the floor as she drew in weighty breaths. Sensing she was done throwing up he vanished the mess and then used 'aguamenti' to provide her with some water.
"Do you feel any better?" Tina swallowed sharply then straightened, righting her leather coat with shaky hands,
"Much better, actually" He smoothed her hair and her lips pulled into a tight smile
"It's rather unusual for you to be this motion sick" Tina had always been a shaky portkeyer, but no worse than himself. A few deep breaths and she was more or less back to normal. She shrugged and exhaled slowly
"The food must not have agreed with me I guess"
Nodding in acceptance he took her arm again and they walked up to the familiar gate. Tina stroked the Hippogriffs beak emblazoned upon it in black metal and it bowed in greeting before swinging the gate open. Entering the wards did nothing to deaden the biting cold and the murky blue dawn sky seemed almost disheartened about their return.

They walked quietly up to the door but before they could knock it flew open and he was flung against one of the pillars holding up the porch. More than slightly winded and completely unarmed he blinked into focus the figure who had just pinned him back to see it was his brother
"Theseus you bloody prat! What in Merlin's name-" He looked over his shoulder to see his father holding Tina at wand point. She looked about to strike when Theseus asked quickly and harshly
"What was the last thing I said to you before you left?"
"What?" Newt spat back and Theseus tightened his grip and forced him harder against the post
"What was the last thing I said to you before you got on the boat?"
"Have you actually lost your mind?"
"Answer me, Newton."
Theseus' gaze was sharp and unwavering as it held his eyes and something in Newt's mind clicked.
Theseus wasn't being a mad man, he was checking they were who they said they were.
"That you had galleons on me and Tina being on the way to giving Cepheus a cousin" He ground out lowly, checking to see if Tina heard. She gave out a sharp laugh and called
"Well you've lost again I'm afraid"
He lowered his wand but kept his grip on Newt's arm as he turned to Tina  partially
"And on our first meeting what did you do?"
Tina chuckled again and stated with relish, all fear gone from her posture
"Tied you to a chair"
Theseus sagged in relief and moved suddenly again. Only this time to pull him into a one crushing hug which almost certainly dislodged several ribs.
"Oh thank Merlin you're home" At his words Newt moved his arms from wedged by his sides to tentatively pat him on the back.

Once Theseus seemed suitably satiated with his hug he pulled away and looked at them both. His father was patting Tina's arm in his usual low contact way of greeting and  once he noticed that Theseus had released him he strode across the bricks and ruffled his hair affectionately while sighing fondly
"I'm sorry about that but we weren't expecting you back this swiftly. Certainly not today by any stretch of the imagination" Theseus stated as he pulled his sister in law into an equally constricting hug
"Yeah, but surely you realised that the moment we knew we'd come back" Tina argued against his shoulder. He released her with an indiscernible grin and replied
"Well, I hoped but most ministries aren't very quick when it comes to international travel"
"And if you think I'm not willing to lie to a ministry you clearly don't know me very well" Newt quipped and Theseus' eye roll made him grin
"Should have anticipated that really" He commented dryly then continued "Breakfast is on the table" gesturing to the open door and they entered the house.

It was considerably warmer inside and Newt let his smile widen at his parents' usually reasonably uninhabited coat rack, practically straining under the weight of coats, scarves and hats. Beside it was a row of every type of shoe ranging from Queenie and Leta's heels to Theseus' work boots to Jacobs's everyday lace-ups. They shed their layers and toed off their boots before placing the case on the floor with a muffled thud beside Theseus' pristine one.
"I honestly don't know who's going to be louder, Queenie or my mother" Newt whispered in Tina's ear as they let Theseus and his father lead the way into the dining room. From behind the door, they could hear hushed whispers but when Theseus entered they immediately silenced.
"What was the noise then? Who was it?" They heard Nagini exclaim in a low tone and Theseus remained quiet, causing his mother to pipe up desperately
"It wasn't Acolytes was it?"
"It is worse than that I'm afraid" Theseus stated gravely and Newt rolled his eyes just as Tina strolled forward pushed Theseus aside then exclaimed
"Stop being a Dorcas!"
Newt followed her swiftly and the dining room was silent in surprise.

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