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She was still drying her hair with her wand when she came padding down the stairs the first morning she had finally been able to return to work after more or less a week of sleeping and helping with the creatures. After a few days of experimenting on what made her feel the least ill in the shortest amount of time she had discovered the moment she could stand upright taking a shower at least prevented her from vomiting further, it also had the rather handy addition of that by the time she was downstairs breakfast was usually waiting for her on the kitchen table as Newt read the prophet.
"Newspapers away at the table" She reminded him as she dropped into the seat opposite and he gave her a small smile before folding it dutifully and taking a sip of tea.

It had become a comfortable routine each morning, a part of marriage when she had initially thought about it in her youth she thought she would loathe which had actually become one of her favourite parts. Then again she might be unfairly swayed by Newt's bedhead which made his curls only more prominent as they formed a tangle on his head. She truly did hope their baby would inherit that part of him, well that and his freckles.
"Good morning Love, how are you?"
She downed her coffee and then smiled at him
"I'm alright, ready to scale the mountain of paperwork which is inevitably at my desk"
He laughed at that, taking a bite of toast which had clearly cooled slightly as crumbs flew everywhere "You?"
"I'm fine"
However, he had said it in a slightly strained voice as he suddenly couldn't make eye contact and Tina narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Newt had not been just 'fine' for quite some time. He could work that two-dimensional bushwa with some people but she knew that as a rule, Newt's emotions were quite considerably more intense than he often let others know. Especially when he was being elusive.
"Just fine?"
He was now chewing his toast almost purposefully slowly as she watched him, he clearly was trying to pretend nothing had happened.

She finished her breakfast in similar silence until she noticed she only had five minutes until she needed to be in the floo. Pushing her plate away she crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.
"Out with it Newt."
"Whatever do you mean?" He replied quickly in his usual mumbly voice and Tina's stance didn't falter
"Don't get all squirrely. What are you hiding?"
He froze, eyes wide and studied her features seemingly looking for any cracks in her demands. Noticing this Tina broadened her shoulders and rested her hands on her hips but seeing he had no intention of sharing still, she pulled out the big guns.
"Mr Scamander..."
Visibly seeing him gulp at her tone she got a slightly twisted satisfaction which only grew when he sighed in defeat and muttered
"You know how I told you that Theseus stayed a little bit longer the other day than everyone else to help..."
"Yes?" She prompted and he shrunk in on each other
"Well, it turns out he had slightly ulterior motives. He thought he had worked out our secret-"
"Well it may have just slipped out-"
"Newt..." She sighed. She knew he had been absolutely ecstatic and desperate to share but he had promised. She felt a slightly overflowing bubble of anger rise in his chest which was immediately suppressed by Newt's entirely guilty disposition as well as his rather well-perfected kicked puppy look
"He had already guessed it, I'm so sorry Tina I know you wanted to wait longer but- He was asking questions then he was doing that annoying thing where he pretends he knows nothing and I just- I couldn't-"
At the legitimate fear he held in his eyes she mentally diminished his sentence from a verbal dressing down to instead winding him up which aligned perfectly with the clanging of the grandfather clock.
"You aren't angry are you?" Newt murmured and somehow she managed to keep her face straight as she replied slowly while standing up
"No, just disappointed"
"You know that's worse!" He exclaimed and she looked down at him with as blank a face as she could manage
"We'll talk about it later."

She then walked into the hallway to grab her coat off of her dedicated hook before pulling on her boots and walking to the fireplace. Newt still accompanied her to the grate and she pecked him on the lips in a motion of silent comfort, at least she hadn't pecked him on the cheek, before taking a handful of floo powder and throwing it into the fire enunciating
"Ministry of Magic!"
The last thing she saw as the green flames engulfed her in a slightly nauseating spinning motion was Newt's equally mixed smile of admiration and fear.

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