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Unlike the aurors who went hurrying gracefully, a whirl of leather jackets being pulled on and wands being slipped into holsters, Newt more or less clattered into the meeting room behind Tina who caught him discreetly before he could go barrelling into the oversized table. Theseus stood in front of a map of London with a hot white glow emanating from Notting Hill where it trickled down the streets like a disease. He'd never seen a map like it but he assumed it was used to track some sort of magic outburst. His brother's face was grave, his expression Newt knew to be the one he held when he was starting to get nervous, but his voice was steady as he addressed the group.
"It's the same creatures as seen prior, they've been released in a main muggle tourist area"
He turned away from the map and looked at them all
"Atkins, Mitchell and Becket you're to try and move the muggles to safety. Tell them anything- Gas leak, exploded drains. Just make it believable and obliviate-"
They nodded and then he turned to those yet assigned jobs
"Newt you're to be managing the creatures, Scamander you're experienced enough now to help him. Everyone else we're to try and control the creatures- to stop any overspill-"
"You aren't to harm them!"
He found himself stating over the end of Theseus' sentence and his brother looked at him with mild pity in his eyes
"Newton we can't guarantee-"
"Theseus, they are not dangerous"
"Newt these creatures have been attacking muggles-"
"Well then you are going to have to trust me" he stated as sharply as he could manage before stepping back and telling the room at large "All of you are going to have to trust me"
"And we will" Tina piped up from his side, similarly stern to his brother prompting the majority of the congregation to nod.
Theseus chanced a glance behind him at the map then cleared his throat and called
"Apparate to Notting hill, all of you, let's go!"
The room began to echo out with cracks as people disappeared and Newt pulled out his wand in preparation before disappearing swiftly alongside Tina.

They reappeared in a street that he had never seen empty. Usually, it was bustling with people, all going about their day, normally blocking the paths as he attempted to get to his publisher's office the next road over. However now the only people were terrified muggles peering through their windows and the few pedestrians who the aurors were already trying to shepherd to safety flashing their badges appearing to look like normal police insignias. Looking down the road he saw the mass of beasts that the other aurors had surrounded. With Tina at his side, he ran towards them before stopping just short of the circle of aurors. Already lashing out was the strangest assortment of creatures he had seen outside of his case to the extent he went to check the catches. There was an occamy that had grown to the size of a small automobile, a Griffin rearing onto its hind legs, a Jarvey letting out a string of curse words at an astounding speed but the only thing that truly surprised him was the Porlock that was brandishing one of their stubby arms. Each was sluggish but violent, reminiscent of a drunken rage, as they lunged at the aurors which were sparking wands at them in an attempt to repel them. None were acting in any manner he had observed before, especially the Porlock who he had only ever seen protecting horses and hiding from people, so as he watched the creature swing at a scared-looking young auror he shouldered forward. Tina joined in the sparking of wands but as the auror who had been swung at shot a hex, he realised they were getting worse from the aurors.
He placed his case on the floor, unlatched it and then waited for them to stop. Tina ceased the action, and so did Theseus but another auror piped up
"You have got to be joking!"
Spinning around he glared at them
"Remember what I just said."
The young auror held his gaze before regretfully stowing their wand.

Thankfully everyone else had followed suit so now Newt was standing unarmed staring into the eyes of vacant creatures. The Porlock was first to approach and Newt noticed the creature's eyes were glazed over, almost milky in their colour, and the pupils did not move at all as he reached into the case and pulled out the horseshoe. Due to their affinity for horses usually, they couldn't resist the opportunity to make it shine but the creature instead lunged for him. He leapt out of the way and rolled on the floor just as it clipped his outstretched arm before jumping back to his feet. Just catching the aurors pulling back out their wands he raised his free hand in warning then threw the horseshoe down and wandlessly summoned the harnesses he usually only used when they were injured and lashing out. Firstly he threw it at the Porlock which bound its legs and he winced as it hit the floor struggling with the rope.  He then turned his attention to the Occamy who had gotten sidetracked by a car which looked slightly like an insect, he shared a glance with Tina who was deterring the Jarvey by manoeuvring rapidly from side to side and shouted "TINA I NEED A CONTAINER AND AN INSECT!"
As the occamy's eyes landed on him.

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