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"Remus! Logan!" Eden practically yelled
"Whats up Eddie?" Remus asked curiously from where he was once again trying to, somewhat successfully, eat spaghetti with a straw. Logan looked up from his book, marking the page, aware by now that if his name was said, it was likey he should stop.
"I got pissed off because of something I saw so now im making a vent piece," they grinned.
"What is it about now?" Logan questioned.
"Fucking boundaries" Eden hissed in response. "Honestly, if someone is crying and shaking over something, you don't fucking go through with it! No matter what they did before! So im rewriting what i read with you two instead except this time the damn boundaries aren't actually overstepped- even if it almost happens."
"What o-"
They snapped their fingers and the two were gone


-agere (which is always 100% sfw)
-impure regressed (sad boi times)
-bratty/upset little
-borderline abuse tbh, but it only happens this one time, like, this isn't normal for them or anything
-threatened physical punishments
-uh... remus (that says it all, its like, one line man)
-panic attack
-lmk if theres more


"Nu!" Remus wined, shoving the plate away hard enough to spill some of the food onto the table. Logan glared from where he sat across the table from him.

Remus was not normally bratty, at least not excessively. Sure, he had his moments where he would get worked up because of something that happened in his big space, or be upset when something didn't go his way or when he was really tired, but this was entirely uncalled for.

It had started a few hours ago, when Remus had woken up before Logan, which was fine because it wasn't exactly in their rules that Remus needed to wait for Logan. What was in the rules though was that Remus needed to clean up his toys after playing, which he had refused to do. When Logan had punished him with no screen time until he cleaned up the toys, Remus had opted to start drawing and colouring, which resulted in him leaving crayons all over the ground. He then knocked down the stuffie wall he had been insistent Logan help him build the night before, which only infuriated the logical side more. This had resulted in time out, which Remus had managed to escape three minutes before time was up. Logan had offered to help him clean up after that, but Remus had only responded by demanding food in a very loud and whining tone. Logan had only agreed because he knew how important nutrition was, and figured maybe hunger was the reason Remus was being as bratty as he was. Now, he was only continuing his behavior, throwing a tantrum over the food given to him.

"Remus," Logan said darkly, but evenly, "you need to eat. You know that your body needs the energy, especially since you have to clean all the mess you made after this."

"Nu!" Remus whined, crossing his arms across his chest with a huff, trying to prove his point. "Don' wanna eat dis! Ish gwoss!" Logan glared at him.

"Remus, this is literally what you requested for me to cook for you. Why would you ask me to cook something for you if you won't eat it?" he interrogated, trying to understand what the hell was going on. Logan was still relatively new to being Remus' caregiver, and he was still learning a lot about his little, and even age regression in general. He wasn't really sure how to handle this. He had tried his best, but it seemed nothing was working.

"Dat was befowe! Me nu wan' it nows! Make me someting ewse!" Remus demanded, only getting more worked up in response Logan's anger finally showing. Logan didn't drop his glare.

"There is nothing wrong with this food, Remus," he stated sternky. "You asked for me to cook it, and I did. I am eating it with no complaints, you can as well. Perhaps a compromise? You may eat the parts you like, and leave the rest," he offered, trying to get Remus to at least eat something. If his mood was related to his hunger, then him refusing food would only worsen the situation.

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