Sober (part 2)

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"Roman! Virgil! Remy!" Eden called as they entered through the door.
"Edie, darling, where you been girlie?" Remy asked. Eden shrugged.
"Eh, my motivation decided to go an die and i entered extreme burnout for a few months, no biggie," Roman shivered at the thought, "but I managed to binge write for a day so I finally decided to complete this part two that I started gods know how long ago."
"Glad to see you back at it kiddo," Patton smiled from the kitchen. Eden turned to him and grinned devilishly.
"You watch yourself little man, you're next," he chuckled. Logan frowned at Eden's words.
"Little man? But Patton is taller than you." he pointed out, only for Eden to shush him.
"Sush nerd," she hissed, "anyways, you three, with me."
"No, nope, don't trust this!" Virgil exclaimed, hopping the back of the couch and trying to sprint away, but it was too late as they snapped their fingers and suddenly the room had four less people.

-mentions of drinking
-heated moments
-make out scene
-mentions of homophobia
-idk man

Roman felt fine really upon waking up. He hadn't drunk much, so he wasn't surprised at all at the lack of headache and clear vision. His thoughts were still clouded however. That boy had been so irresistible, but he knew it was wrong, gods it was so wrong. He had been wasted, for one, and he was Remy's brother of all people! Roman groaned and rubbed his face. However embarrassing it was that he was infatuated so quickly with someone, he had made a promise, and he did genuinely care to make sure Virgil was okay. And that drunk, maybe someone else had taken advantage of him. That thought made Roman cringe and grow unreasonably upset. Making up his mind, Roman decided he wanted, needed really, to check on Virgil, so he shot Remy a text.

'Hey, awesome party man
Bet the mess is horrendous
Need some help cleaning up?'

Roman sent the text and sat for a few agonizing minutes, bouncing his leg and biting his nails. Perhaps Remy was still asleep. Just as he'd given up waiting, Roman's phone buzzed. Roman excitedly looked over at his phone which was lit up with a message that said

'bring me some starbies.'

Roman smiled and sent a short reply before moving to shower and get ready. It didn't occur to him until after he'd already finished his makeup that perhaps it would be seen as overdone that he was fully dressed and was wearing makeup for a Starbucks run and to hang out with friends, but it was too late now, he decided as he donned his jacket and checked for his phone and wallet before grabbing his keys. Roman sent another text before he pulled out.

'Hey does Virgil want anything?"

About half an hour later Roman finally pulled away from the drive through, three drinks secured in various cupholders. Of course Virgil had simply replied "coffee" when Remy had asked him, and refused to give any more specifics, so Roman got him whatever he felt was the most mild, but still sweet. As Roman turned down Remy's street, a new thought occurred to him. The Virgil he was about meet was not the Virge he met last night. Last night Virgil had been drunk off his ass, he hadn't been thinking straight at all, and Roman could only hope to god no one took advantage of the boy. Either way, he could be a totally different person when he didn't have veins of alcohol. Roman forced the thoughts away and knocked on the door, glad he'd been given a tray to hold the drinks in so he could actually reach up.

It was a long, almost awkward moment of Roman waiting on the porch. He didn't mind, it was a nice day with the sun bright but not yet hot, occasionally hiding behind the occasional cloud, a slight breeze keeping the air from being stagnant. Suddenly the sound of a key in the door brought him away from the appreciation of the weather. Roman smiled as the door creaked open.

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