Chapter Zero

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Get out.

I don't care why you opened this book, how bored you are, or what crap you've been going through in your insignificant life, just get out. The prick that wrote this was a fool and a backstabbing lunatic; they had no right to write this just as you have no right to be here, rooting through the story of my life. My life is not going to be put into pretty words and printed for your amusement. I'm not going to be the perfect freaking story character that lame people obsess over because they have no life of their own to think about. You don't get to read my PRIVATE thoughts or watch me jump through the same stupid hoops that authors love creating for characters as if they run our lives. Manipulative bastards.

What? Why?

Why don't I want you nosy jerks knowing every little thought I'll have for the next year? Why don't I want you to know all of my secrets, my hidden pain, my anguish? Why don't you have somebody publish your life and distribute it to the world for a pretty penny and we'll see how you like it. I don't want a million people coming up with stupid theories about me or some crap that everybody knows will never happen. I want my business to stay my business, my life to be private to just me. Not just me... and you and your neighbor and your best friend and your sister and your freaking dog. So, do me a favor and leave. Me. Alone. Shut the book, close the app, and go stick your nose in someone else's miserable life.

Trust me, there's no point in reading about how I didn't save a world. 

Ame PerdueWhere stories live. Discover now