Chapter Three

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I yanked on the rope locking my hands above my head, unsurprised to feel how little slack there was. I was stretched upwards, my weight solely on my hands with the tips of my toes just barely touching the ground. The pressure on my arms had me cursing with pain, even as they were rapidly growing numb from the lack of blood flow. I glared hatefully at the demon leaning across from me.

Not, that he was strictly a demon, it was just the term that seemed to fit him best. There was no way of knowing what these creatures actually were, all anyone knew was that one day they showed up with the intent to burn this world to the ground. And they did intend for it to burn, all of them were pyromaniacs to the core. They didn't care if they burned with it, they just wanted it to burn. To die.

It was difficult to fight when your only goal was to stay alive.

Before they arrived, I'm told that Arcadia was a land of peace. Everyone coexisted in harmony. It was like the start to any crappy, cliche story. Everyone was happy, lived in harmony, no fighting, no evil, no humans to destroy every; everything was good. And then the demons arrived to screw everything up.

They tore through cities before anyone knew what was happening, killing anyone in their path, torturing to keep the boredom at bay. All efforts to stop them failed, the only thing that anyone could do was simply keep fighting for a life that wasn't really worth living. Nobody wanted to admit it, but it was a battle that was quickly being lost. Nobody knew what these creatures were, nor how to defeat them. We took to calling them demons, simply so that we had something to call them.

The demon before me twirled a knife around in his hand, the sharp blade dancing across his flesh. I hoped that he cut his hands off doing that. He grinned wickedly at me, "Welcome to Camp Massacre, our specials today are The Blood Eagle and Scaphism. There is a fifty percent off discount for all of our rewards members. Not a member? That's okay, we can sign you up. To get started, all you have to do is tell us everything you know about the native people who won't be living in this world for long. For a limited time only, first-time members get a free trip to the guillotine! My name is Aaron, how may I direct you to the grave today?"

"Yeah, I heard about one of the activities. Disemboweling demons? I heard that there was a kill one, kill another free deal going on that suppose to last until you go back to the hell that you came from." I told him, my voice dripping with as much sarcasm as his had. I couldn't stop my muscles from tensing as he came closer to me, regardless of the fact that I knew that none of this wasn't real.

His eyes quickly caught on to my tensing, a smirk coming over his features, "Unforentuely, that special was only available at our Riquoiston location, and a location that is, unfortunately, closing due to lack of stable structures remaining in the area," I gritted my teeth at the mention of Kam's Hometown, I hadn't even realized that it had been attacked. A smirk stretched across Aaron's face, "Long time, no see, Little Human."

"Obviously not long enough." I wrapped my hands around the chains holding me up. Before Aaron could react, I pulled myself up, flinging my leg out to catch Aaron in the stomach. For a guy that could melt into the shadows and turn into black smoke, he was surprisingly similar to a brick wall. He barely even shifted his weight, and it wasn't for a lack of power within my kick.

"My turn!" He announced cheerfully before slamming his fist into my face. Pain exploded in me as I instantly felt the bones inside my jaw shatter as the force of the punch sent me swinging back. If I had been able to fall, I would have, yet instead, I felt my arms pop out of their sockets as my body fought against the momentum the force sent me in. My vision blackened for a moment, long enough that I briefly wondered if he had knocked me out before I was able to blink the spots out of my eyes.

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