Chapter Twenty-Two

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I laughed.

I couldn't help it. I laughed, a full, deep-bellied laugh that echoed off the walls. Everything was going to crap around me. People were dying, people were stabbing people in the back. And. I. Was. Freaking. Done. I didn't freaking care anymore. I was over whatever the plot was supposed to be here.

Screw it all.

Screw the Wanderers. Screw Kam. Screw Milo. Screw freaking saving this stupid world. I didn't care anymore. It wasn't my job. Wasn't my problem. This world wanted to die? I didn't give two flying craps. Aaron wanted to win? Let him. People wanted these god-forsaken powers? They can have them. Want to crave out my heart and put it on display? I'll hand you the knife.

I was done with it it all.

I was a teenager. I was sixteen. None of their supernatural drama was my problem. I didn't give two craps if they all took each other out. Screw them all. I was done trying to figure out who was the good guys and who the bad guys were. Done trying to figure out who was lying and who wasn't. Everyone was a freaking liar and I was done with it all. These people weren't my problem. Their lives weren't mine. They could all die for all I cared.

I all but fell to the ground in laughter. I was an idiot and for once I didn't care. I didn't care enough to try to put together the puzzle before me. What did it matter? I wasn't getting out of here alive. Colt had already said that my life didn't matter to him. He was just toying with me, playing his sick little games. I wasn't going to kill myself trying to figure out whatever the stupid godawful plan was here. I didn't care. We were all going to rot anyway. What did it matter?

Milo was freaking dead! What was that supposed to mean? Was that supposed to mean that the Wanderers were telling the truth? Was it supposed to mean that Colt doubled crossed him? Who freaking knew anymore? Better question; who freaking cared about any of it?! None of it mattered anymore anyway. I wasn't going to spend hours trying to uncover this bullcrap that didn't freaking matter to me.

What did it matter if the Wanderers were real? What did it matter if they were trying to protect the world or if they wanted my powers? What if they were all nothing more than soaking wet bastards left to mildew on the clothesline? What did any of it matter? I'll tell you what it matters, it didn't. None of it mattered. It was all just some never-ending crapfeast. I could see it now. Whatever this life was, it was a never-ending battle of misery. I wasn't going to stick around for it. I wasn't going to be some moronic hero in someone equally moronic story that suffered endlessly. I was going to be normal or not at all.

Congrats you freaking sociopath. You made it here with me. Jokes on you, you wasted your time. I warned you, didn't I? I told you to put this crap down. You didn't, so you know what? Screw you, too. I'm out, out of this story. You can find someone's else life to occupy your mind. I'm not doing it. This story is ending right here, right now. I wasn't going to make it out of this cave. I wasn't going to see the light of tomorrow. And guess what? I DON'T EVEN CARE!

None of it mattered. I wasn't going to see Janus ever again. I wasn't going to see 'Mom' or 'Dad'. Whatever. It didn't matter. They would all survive without me. None of them needed me. They could get over it just like I was over this. I wasn't going to play this sick game. Damn this freaking game. I wasn't going to play it, I wasn't going to be another one of those stupid players. I laughed harder.

I could barely see through the tears. I had been so determined to survive. So determined to keep going. I had actually deluded myself into thinking that I would figure a way out of this mess. Deluded myself into thinking that it would all be okay. Ha! None of it was okay. Everyone was going to die. Me, Acilia, that redhead that took charge in the camp, even Elm whoever he was. All of us were going to die. Kam and Milo were already dead

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