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thantophobia- the fear of losing someone you love


hailey sat on the floor in the living room, scarcely listening to the news on tv, jus enjyoing the background noise. she was folding laundry, when she heard the front door unlock.

she peeked over to see jay walk through the hallway. he was coming home from work alone, since hailey had leftover days off. he sighed loudly in the hallway, causing hailey to laugh.

"tough day?" she asked, as he walked over to her. 

"boring day." he corrected. he bent down to kiss the top of her head, and she smiled silently. "i gotta say, you chose a good day to take off."

she laughed to herself. "you know.." she started. "i talked to my mom today. i told. her we were engaged. " she revealed, changing the subject.

jay raised an eyebrow, as he walked to the kitchen. "hay, we've been engaged for like..4 months."

"look, i don't keep good tabs with my family, you know that." she defended herself. "but i do have long conversations with my mom here and there."

"hm." he replied softly. "how'd she take it?" he asked, pouring the two a glass.

"good, she's excited." she smiled, re-playing the moment int her head. "she started crying though. said i was 'all grown up'."

jay laughed. "i'm assuming she asked for an invite?" he asked, bringing over drinks for the both of them.

"yeah," she replied, taking the drink. "i told her we haven't really started planning yet, but she'll get one."

he observed her for a minute, before asking his next question. "you gonna invite your dad?" he hesitated.

she thought for a minute before responding. she dropped the clothes she was folding, to look back at him. "i don't know." she sighed. 

"i mean..if i'm inviting my mom, i guess he's gonna have to come-"

"not necessarily.." he corrected.

"i know, i know...but it's complicated." she replied, "i can't forget what he did to us but..he's still in my life, you know? i can't change the fact he's my dad."

he nodded, understanding her conflict. "i get it."

"i'm just gonna let it play out. he comes, he comes. he doesn't? he doesn't. i'll be fine either way." she smiled, masking how she truly felt.

"sorry, for bringing it up, i just-'

"no, no stop. don't apologize." she said, taking a sip of her drink. "we were gonna have to talk about it at some point right?"

he nodded gently, shifting his attention back to wedding planning.  "did you confirm with the venue yet?"

"yeah, i called today. they said they're set. we don't have to call again til may 3rd."

"sounds good. what do we have left?" he asked.

"catering, cake, dress, invites, color schemes, all the fun stuff." she went on sarcastically. 

he groaned, "why are these things so hard?"

"i wish i knew." hailey agreed, putting aside the first basket of clothing, and moving on to the next. "but hey, you're the one who insisted on a wedding, cause you're 'old-fashioned'. i would've been fine just going to molly's."

"you would go to molly's for your funeral." he shot back, her raising an eyebrow.

"i'm hurt, but you're right." she laughed.

the two's conversation was cut off, by a phone ringing on the other side of the couch. "oh, can you grab that?" hailey asked. 

he looked to see voight was calling. "it's voight." he answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"everything good sarge?" hailey asked, after jay had answered the phone.

"hailey, you have a brother right?" he asked over the phone, hailey giving jay a questioning look. 

"..two, why?"

"a spencer upton was brought in, just now. any relations?"

jay looked at hailey for an answer, not knowing the answer himself. hailey was incredibly aloof about her family, so he anticipated her response.

"yeah..that's my brother."


hailey, and jay had arrived at the bullpen shortly after finding out what was going on. everyone had been here previously, catching up on other things.

"what's going on?" she asked, walking to her desk.

kim walked over to the evidence board, and placed a picture of a man, which had indeed been hailey's brother. underneath his photo, the word 'suspect #1" was written out.

"this is spencer upton, and right now, he's looking at being charged for 3rd degree murder." kim revealed, pointing to his picture.

hailey sighed to herself, resting her head in her hands. 

"on december 11th, dr. andre vinetti walked into kv pharmacy, and was stabbed to death." she explained, putting a picture of the doctor up.

"where does spencer come in?" jay asked.

"his fingerprints were found on the knife, and there was a strand of hair on the scene."

"and we know it's his?" voight asked, his arms crossed.

"dna is still running it, but by the looks of it, it's blonde, just like spencer's."

hearing those words made hailey's heart sink. she never in a million years pictured her brother in a situation like this.

"any security footage?" hailey spoke up, rubbing her face in disbelief.

"no. apparently camera's were covered with something. so we can't find whatever happened."

hearing that made hailey lighten up slightly, but the other evidence still added up against him, and it didn't look to good from his end.

"alright, so somebody go talk to him, someone get on the phone with dna, let's go!" bought ordered.

"let me do it." hailey said, everyone in the room looking at her in confusion.

"absolutely not." voight shut her down, "you're way too close with him."

"which is why i should be doing it." she corrected. "i know him better than anyone in this room. if anything, he'd trust me more."

"please." she begged.

voight studied her for a minute, before giving in.

he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of keys. "room i-12, take halstead with you."

he threw the keys in the air, where hailey caught them. "thank you."

"hailey, wait." voight said before the two left. "i don't care what you two are. you treat him as any other suspect in his position."

she nodded. "got it."


hi hi hi!

so i did write a prologue for this book, but i deleted it cause i ended up hating it.

so just to clear up some things, 

-hailey and jay are engaged

-this is taking place in december (idrc what year)

-vanessa might be a part of this story? maybe just a recurring character..haven't really thought it through

-hailey/jay's background is the same as the show (jay being apart of the army, will is alive & well, but his mother and father are deceased ; hailey's father was abusive, her brothers and mother are also alive and well)

any other questions should answer themselves!!


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