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"Hey, baby." Scarlett spoke and looked at her wife.

"Yes, my love?" Y/N answered and looked back at Scarlett.

"I have my own theory." Scarlett said, they're watching this movie and the characters are all talking about their theories.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Oh, really?"

Scarlett hummed, nodding her head. "Yeah."

"Well, please do tell." Y/N said, giving her full attention to her wife.

"Okay," Scarlett grins, "My theory is based on the concept of moments."

"I'm listening..." Y/N said, caressing the back of Scarlett's neck.

Scarlett smiles widely, this is what she loves the most about Y/N. She always listens, and it always makes her feel loved and heard. "Okay, moments of impact, right? So, my theory is that these moments of impact, these bursts of high intensity that completely transform our lives upside down, end up defining who we are."

"Okay..." Y/N said, smiling.

"The thing is, each of us is the sum total of every moment we've ever shared with every person we've ever known. You following me, baby?" Scarlett asked.

Y/N nodded her head, smiling lovingly. "Yes, my love."

Scarlett smiles, "Okay, so, these are the moments that become our history. Like, you know, our own personal greatest hits collection of memories that we play and replay in our minds over and over. Like, if we want to just remember what happened to that day, here comes our greatest hits of memories, helping us remember that moment or that person, or how that memory affected us. The impact of that certain memory."

Y/N smiles widely, cupping Scarlett's cheeks. "You are so damn extra attractive whenever you speak your mind." She whispered, giving her wife a sweet peck on the lips. "And I totally agree with your theory, my smart wife."

Scarlett giggled and pulled her wife closer, "Maybe you want to make new memories? You know... under the covers?"

Y/N giggled too, "Sure, my love."

Scarlett sighed deeply.

My theory, right. Scarlett thought, shaking her head.

But she had a theory, that these moments of impact define who we are. But she never really considered what would happen if you couldn't remember any of them one day.

And it hit her so hard because right now, her wife couldn't remember anything. Moments or even her name, nothing.

This may be a good thing for Scarlett, to have a new start with Y/N. But then, she also wants Y/N to have her memories back. Because she's afraid, now that Y/N doesn't remember her, it's obvious that her wife also doesn't remember that she's in love with her.

She doesn't remember that she loves me. Scarlett thought, heart shattering. She took a deep breath before she opened the door, Y/N's parents are there and so is the doctor.

Y/N will be discharged today.

Scarlett greeted everyone and smiles at Y/N.

Y/N smiles a little, nodding her head. She's been doing good, her head doesn't hurt that much. She's warming up to her parents even though she can't remember them, but she's still not sure how to act around Scarlett. So, it's been awkward between them. It's just that, she can't remember a single thing about her life. Not even her own name, so aside from trying to learn things about her own life, she's also trying to learn things about her marriage. And it's overwhelming.

"Hey, Y/N." Scarlett spoke, smiling.

"Hey." Y/N greeted back, smiling a little.

"So," Scarlett cleared her throat. "You ready to come home?" She asked.

Y/N took a deep breath, "Am I coming home with you? Or with my parents?" She asked.

Scarlett looked down for a second, she can't blame Y/N for that. She's practically a stranger right now, and she might not remember her parents as well, but still, they're her parents.

"You'll come home with your wife, honey." Y/N's mom spoke. "The doctor said it will be best for you to go back to your lifestyle." She added.

Y/N nodded her head, "Okay, yeah."

Scarlett just smiles a little.



"We have a beautiful house." Y/N spoke, looking around the living room.

Scarlett just finished giving Y/N a house tour since her wife can't remember it.

Scarlett smiles, "It's originally my house but you're always here when we were just best friends and then when we started dating, you moved in, and then we got married and you changed the furnitures. I love the new look, you have great taste."

Y/N hummed, nodding her head. She looks at the furnitures and nodded her head again with a small smile, as if approving her own style.

Scarlett chuckled, Y/N looks adorable.

"Can I ask questions?" Y/N asked, sitting down.

Scarlett nodded her head, "Of course."

"Okay, um, you're an actress?" Y/N asked, "I'm also an actress?"

"Yeah, we're both actresses." Scarlett said and took a deep breath, "You're also a model."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, nodding her head. "Oh, really? That's cool, I guess."

Scarlett just smiles.

Y/N has been asking questions, though they haven't really talked about their whole relationship, the doctor advised that they take it slow.

"We don't have kids?" Y/N asked. "We didn't adopt a kid?"

Oh, right. She doesn't know I have a dick. Scarlett thought and bit her lip before smiling a little. "We've been trying to... make one." She said.

"Make?" Y/N asked, confused. "Like, a donor?"

Scarlett shook her head, "No, um... I have a dick."

Y/N blushed. "Oh."

Scarlett couldn't help her smile, it's been so long since she last saw her wife blushing. She missed it.

"I mean, that's a good kind of oh, I mean," Y/N cleared her throat. "Okay, next question, um..."

Scarlett chuckled, staring at her wife. "Ask anything, Y/N. We have the time." She said and smiles.

Marriage Story • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now