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★。・:* ・ *:・゚★
[Y/N]'s POV

School. The most dreaded thing on earth. The only good about it is when you have friends or when it finally ends. Damn that shit rhymed.

'Nyways I'm with Ran at my place. It was Wednesday and we decided to ditch. Why? Because of Physical Education. I'm not the person who's physically active even though I beat up people here and there. But it was only for self defense or they hurt my precious bby buns.

Me and Ran was huddled in a big fluffy blanket on the couch, eating snacks and watching 'Annabelle. the movie.

[A/n: Imagining if they were chibi figures and it would be even more cute.]

"Hey Ran!" the said boy hummed. "The doll looks like you!" after that sentence I laughed hysterically. "Ran–! Rannabelle!" I said between my heavy breathing and laughing.

Ran grew a tick mark on his cheek while pouting like a child. "I'm more handsome and hot than that bitch-ass doll!" he yelled and letting out a 'hmph'.

The blanket was now on the floor because of the yelling and crouching. I breathed heavily finally calming down from my laugh session.

I layed down on the couch beside Ran while a put an arm on my stomach, it hurt a little from all the laughing I've done.

The best part of the movie came and I instinctively sat properly. Ran went a bit closer to me and grabbed my waist whit his large veiny hands.

I hummed when he put his chin on my shoulders. I flinched when his other hand slip up my shirt. I eyed him from the corner of my eyes and saw his face plastered with a lazy grin which was extremely hot.

"Dzayumnn..." I mumbled quietly as possible. Wait–! "What do you think your doing?..." I wasn't uncomfortable but the uncomfortable thing is there are thousands of butterflies swarming my stomach.

He didn't answer, his grin turn a cocky smirk. He gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him through my shoulder. "Hmm? You don't like it?" he said. And goddammit that was hot!! I didn't answer 'cause what the hell am I supposed to say!?

Pushing me gently unto the couch making me lay down and him on top of me. Grabbing my chin again gently making us few inches away from kissing.

He kept getting closer and closer, our nose touched. Ran closed the distance and went for a sweet, passionate french kiss turning into a hot make-out session.

"Hey sis! Can I get th— WTF!?" our make-out session was disturbed by our brothers barging in. "Rindou! Cover Souya's eyes!" Nahoya yelled. Rindou did what was told and covered Souya's eyes before the blue bun of innocent sunshine saw us and lift him up on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

They hurriedly went out my apartment but before that, Rindou yelled. "Always wear protection kids!" making me a thousand shades of red while Ran snickered.


^Few minutes earlier^

With Rindou, Nahoya and Souya:3

Nahoya's POV:

Me, Souya and Rindou—. Yes, Rindou. Somehow me and Souya managed to get along with him for the sake of the fanfic. But to be honest Souya was the one who mostly got along with Rindou.

Souya was kinda like a baby 'cause he's still a messy eater. "So-kun, you something right there." Rindou said.

'What's with the nickname you fried chicken!?'

"Huh?" Rindou suddenly wiped the chocolate ice cream that was smudged on the side of Souya's lips using his thumb and licked it.


I was close on tackling Rindou but Souya stopped me gripping my waist so I won't lash out. I struggled to get out of Souya's grip it feels like I'm a fucking worm on a hook. "Don't you dare taint my brother you chicken-mantis wannab— AACK!!!" Souya suddenly bit me making me yelp.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm running out of motivation and ideas.

Hope you guys can be patient for a while!

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